Prom -Rod Kimble

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Okay yes this story is very short but it's really cute and I'm genuinely obsessed with Rod so idc...
Also yes I have done way more Rod than anything else, even in my drafts I have a shitload but lmk other characters you would like!
Enjoy reading and have a good day or night!

Y/n was the most popular girl in school, and everyone admired her. However, there was one boy in her class named Rod Kimble, who she had always found intriguing.

Rod was a quiet guy who kept to himself most of the time. Except for when he was with his friends and they were planning the next stunt. He was not popular, and he had never been in a relationship before. He had been told before by his step father that he was unlovable. But y/n was different. She was kind and friendly to everyone, and she had always been nice to Rod. He had always secretly admired her from afar but had never had the courage to ask her out. His friends all wanted her too and seeing as they had way more relationship experience than him he just let them be.

One day, during English class, y/n decided to take a chance and asked Rod to prom by passing him a note. Rod was shocked and thought it was a prank. He couldn't believe that the most popular girl in school had asked him out.

Despite his doubts, he circled "yes" on the note and slid it into her locker on his way home. The weeks leading up to prom were filled with excitement and anticipation for both of them. Y/n and Rod started to talk more and more, exchanging numbers and addresses and they realized that they had a lot in common. They both loved pizza, video games, and going to the movies.

On the night of prom, Rod picked up y/n in his old probably over 4th handed car and drove her to the venue. As they entered the PE hall which had been transformed into an 80s themed prom, y/n looked stunning in her dress, and Rod couldn't take his eyes off of her. They danced the night away, and it felt like nothing else mattered in the world. Rods friends watched with slight jealousy but stuck their thumbs up for encouragement to their nervous friend.

As the night came to an end, Rod drove y/n back to her abnormally large house. Her parents were waiting outside, and they looked at Rod with disapproval. They had never seen y/n with someone like him before, and they didn't think he was good enough for their daughter. Y/n had usually come home with jocks or much handsomer guys and even Rod knew this. However, y/n didn't care. She hugged Rod tightly, and her parents took a picture of them together. She kissed him on the cheek making his fade warm up and waved him goodnight promising to text him.

From that night on, y/n and Rod became inseparable. They went on many adventures together, and y/n realized that her love for Rod was more important than her popularity or wealth. She had found her soulmate, and she was never letting him go. Her friends who were disapproving of the pair at first matured to realise what they had was special and hoped for something similar one day.

Years later, as they celebrated their 10th anniversary, Lily and Rod looked back on their journey together. They had been through a lot of ups and downs, but they had always stuck by each other's side. They had built a beautiful life together, full of love, happiness, and adventure.

Lily thought back to the day when she had asked Rod to prom, and she smiled. It had been a risky move, but it had paid off in the end. She had found the love of her life, and she was grateful for every moment they had spent together.

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