Our tree- Han Solo

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Finally a sorta long chapter again I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to think of a long story idea.
Enjoy reading and have an amazing day/night.
Ps kinda sad towards the end nothing triggering though!
Also no you are not based off Jamie Martin that would be fucked up....

Y/n was a simple girl with a passion for music and a heart full of love. Y/n had always been a dreamer, imagining a life filled with love, laughter, and music. She worked at the local café, playing her guitar and singing to the customers. Her music was like a balm to people's souls, and they flocked to the café just to hear her play.

One day, while working at the café, Y/n met a guy who seemed down. He said his name was Han Solo which she didn't really believe "like the Star Wars character? She asked giggling when he nodded. He was new in town. Han had just left his job and his old life and was looking for a fresh start. He was a bit lost and didn't know what to do with his new start. Y/n saw something in Han that she couldn't quite put her finger on. There was a sadness in his eyes that spoke volumes. She felt like she had to do something to help him.

Y/n invited Han to a local music festival that was happening that weekend. Han had never been to a music festival before and was hesitant at first, but  Y/n convinced him to come along. The music festival was a revelation for Han. He had never experienced anything like it. The atmosphere was electric, the music was amazing, and the people were friendly. Something his ex fiancé would not understand. Han felt like he had found a new home. Y/n was his guide to this new world, showing him all the sights and sounds that he had been missing out on.

As the day turned into night, Han and y/n found themselves sitting under a tree, listening to the music and talking about their dreams and aspirations. Han felt like he had known Y/n his whole life. His dad would love hee. She was the life of the party. They had a connection that he couldn't explain. He had never met anyone like her before.

Suddenly, Han leaned in and kissed Y/n. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it spoke volumes. Y/n knew in that moment that she had found the one. Han had come into her life like a gust of wind, and she was grateful for it.

From that day on, Han  and y/n were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the town, playing music, and falling in love. Han was amazed by y/n's talent and her ability to make people happy with her music. He had never met anyone like her before. Y/n was kind, caring, and full of life. Han knew that he was lucky to have her in his life.

As they spent more time together, Han opened up to Y/n about his past. He had been in a toxic relationship that had left him broken and lost. He also told her about his parents story and how they met. He expected her to be gone after he'd told the story but y/n stayed supportive of him. He didn't know how to move on from it. But with y/n by his side, he felt like he could conquer the world. She was his rock, his support, his everything.

In the end, Han found what he was looking for in this small town. He found a new home, a new love, and a new purpose. Y/n  had helped him find his way, and he was grateful for it every day. They lived happily ever after, in a town that was small but full of love.

Years later, Han  and y/n got married under the same tree where they had shared their first kiss. Their friends and family gathered around them, singing and dancing to the music that y/n played. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and music.

Han and y/n knew that they had found their soulmate in each other. They knew that they were meant to be together, forever. And as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that their love story was just beginning.

Han and y/n's  love only grew stronger with each passing day. They continued to make beautiful music together and inspire people with their love story.

They even started a music school for children in the town, where they could share their love for music and help the children discover their hidden talents.

Their music school became quite popular, and soon they had students from all over the town. Han and   y/n were proud of what they had accomplished, but they knew that it was only possible because they had each other.

Years went by, and Han and y/n grew old together. They had lived a life full of love, laughter, and music. They had seen the town change and grow, but their love had remained the same.

One day, Han passed away from his diabetes leaving y/n alone. She was heartbroken, but she knew that Han would want her to continue making music and spreading love. She picked up her guitar and started playing, just like she used to do at the café. People gathered around her, listening to her music and feeling the love that she had for Han.

Y/n knew that Han was still with her, in her memories and in her heart. She continued to make music and share her love with the world, just like Han had taught her to do. And even though he was no longer there in person, she knew that he was still with her, every step of the way.

In the end, Han and Y/n's love story had touched many lives. They had inspired people to follow their dreams, to never give up hope, and to always believe in love. They had shown that even in a small town love could conquer all.

As time went by, y/n's music school continued to thrive. She taught children the joy of making music and the importance of following their dreams. She continued to spread love and positivity throughout the town, just like Han  had taught her.

Y/n continued to make music and spread love throughout the town. She knew that her story with Han  had inspired so many people to follow their dreams and to never give up hope. She knew that her love story with Han  would live on forever, in the hearts of the people who had been touched by their love.

And as she looked up at the tree where she had shared her first kiss with Han, y/n knew that he was still with her, every step of the way.

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