Worth fighting for- Jake Peralta

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Another really short story and I'm sorry but this is just something stupid that I actually found in my notes app. It had different people but it was a love story between two male detectives so I just changed thing up because it reminded me of Jake. Anyways engjoy reading and have an awsome day or night

Detective y/n had always been a no-nonsense kind of detective. She was the type of girl who followed the rules and never took shortcuts. She was the one who always got the job done, no matter what. So, when she was partnered with Detective Jake Peralta, she knew it was going to be a challenge. Peralta was everything y/n was not. He was impulsive, reckless, and always looking for a shortcut. They were like oil and water, and they clashed at every turn.

Their first case together was a robbery gone wrong. The suspects were long gone by the time they arrived, but they managed to find a lead. Jake suggested they split up to cover more ground, but y/n insisted they stick together. Jake rolled his eyes but didn't argue.

They spent the next few hours canvassing the area, talking to witnesses, and gathering evidence. By the end of the day, they had a solid lead.

Over the next few weeks, they worked together on the case, and y/n slowly started to see Jake in a different light. He was still impulsive and reckless, but he was also passionate and dedicated. He cared about the case and was willing to do whatever it took to solve it. Y/n found herself drawn to Jake, even though she knew it was a bad idea.

One night, they found themselves working late at the precinct. Jake was sitting at his desk, headphones on, lost in thought. Y/n was watching him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Without warning, Jake stood up and walked over to y/n's desk. He leaned in close, and y/n could feel his breath on his face.

"I know we're like oil and water, y/l/n," Jake said quietly. "But I think we make a pretty good team."

Y/n didn't know what to say. Shewas shocked and a little bit scared. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

"I think we could be more than just partners," Jake continued. How was he always so confident? She wondered "I think we could be something special."

Y/n didn't know what to do. She was torn between her duty as a detective and her feelings for Jake. In the end, she realized that she couldn't ignore her heart any longer. She leaned in and kissed Jake, and in that moment, she knew that he had found something special.

From that day forward, y/n and Jake worked together as partners and as lovers. They solved cases and fought crime, but they also found love in the most unexpected place.

Their love story was messy, it was complicated, but it was also beautiful and worth fighting for.

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