A female style boy? No way - Conner 4real

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Again I'm extremely sorry for the super short story I haven't had much ideas and I was just invested in writing short fluffy stories. But as soon as I get another idea for a long story I'll get to work on it and try release it before any shorter stories. Enjoy reading and thank you so much for choosing my book to read. It means a lot. <3

Have an amazing day/night!

By the way the characters in this book are from a movie called pop star never stop never stopping and I highly recommend this movie it's extremely underrated and really funny (plus shirtless Andy samberg with tattoos, a win is a win🤷‍♀️)

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Conner who met a girl named y/n at a local music store. They both had a passion for music and hit it off instantly. They decided to form a band with their two best friends, Lawrence and Owen, and called it The Style Boys.

The band became an instant hit, with Conner's voice and y/n's lead guitar taking the world by storm. But as the band grew in popularity, Conner's ego grew with it. He started to make decisions without consulting the rest of the band, causing tension between him and the others.

One day, Conner decided to leave the band to pursue a solo career. Y/n, who had always felt underappreciated despite her talent, decided to leave as well and went on to become one of the greatest pop stars of their time. This caused a chain reaction, with Lawrence deciding to leave too. But his career didn't turn out as well as he'd hoped.

Ten years later, Conner's career had gone down the drain. He was performing at a local bar when he saw y/n in the audience. All the memories came flooding back, and he realized how much he had missed her.

After the show, Conner went up to y/n and apologized for everything he had done. He told her how much he loved her, and that he had never stopped thinking about her. Y/n was hesitant at first, but she could see the sincerity in his eyes and forgave him.

The two of them decided to team up with Lawrence and Owen once again, and The Style Boys were back in business. This time, they all made sure to communicate with one another and make decisions together. And with y/n's talent leading the way, they became even more successful than before.

The reunited Style Boys went on a worldwide tour and performed in front of fans old and new. Y/n's powerful vocals and electrifying guitar riffs were the talk of the town, and Conner was happy to take a step back and let her shine.

As they traveled the world together, Conner and
y/n's relationship blossomed. They spent long hours on the tour bus talking about everything and anything, and Conner realized that y/n was the missing piece in his life. He had been so focused on his own success that he had forgotten what really mattered.

One night, as they were performing in front of a sold-out crowd, Conner took a risk and dedicated a song to y/n. As the spotlight shone on her, he sang his heart out, pouring all of his love and devotion into the lyrics. When the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause, and y/n ran up to Conner and kissed him.

From that moment on, Conner and y/n were inseparable. They wrote new songs together, and their love was evident in every note. The Style Boys became more than just a band – they were a family, and their love for each other was the glue that held them together.

Years later, as they looked back on their journey, Conner and y/n knew that they had been through a lot, but they wouldn't have wanted it any other way. They had gone from being young musicians with a dream to being one of the most successful bands of all time, and they had done it all together.

As they held hands and looked out at the sunset, Conner whispered to you, "I never would have made it here without you." And you replied, "I never would have made it here without you either." Together, they knew that their love story would continue to inspire others for years to come.

As the years went by, The Style Boys continued to produce music that touched the hearts of millions of people around the world. Their songs were filled with the love and passion that Conner and y/n shared, and they continued to inspire generations of musicians to come.

But as they grew older, Conner and y/n realized that they wanted to leave a legacy that went beyond their music. They wanted to give back to the world that had given them so much.

Together, they founded a music school for underprivileged children, where they taught the next generation of musicians the skills and knowledge that they had learned throughout their careers. The school quickly became a success, and soon, children from all over the world were coming to learn from the legendary Conner and y/n.

As they watched their students grow and flourish, Conner and y/n knew that they had found their true calling. They had created something that would continue to inspire and uplift others long after they were gone.

And as they looked back on their journey, they knew that they had come full circle. They had started as young musicians with a dream, and now, they were giving back to the world that had given them so much.

As they sat together, watching the sun set on their incredible journey, Conner and y/n knew that their love story had become something much bigger than themselves. It had become a symbol of hope and inspiration for people all over the world, and they knew that it would continue to inspire others for generations to come.

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