Why me -Andy Samberg

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Takes place when you both r at school 😋
By the way I realise I haven't spread out the range of the amount of characters very well so I will try to do better with that in my next story 🫶🏻 thank you for all the reads.

Andy and Y/n were inseparable. They did everything together, from studying for exams to exploring new places around town.

Andy was captivated by Y/n's beauty, intelligence, and charm, and he loved spending time with her.

Despite their differences in social status, Y/n always made time for Andy, even when she was busy with her many other friends and activities.

This made Andy fall completely head over heals for his best friend. Of course she would never feel the same but that was okay. They had different places in their social standing. He was the funny one who was quite extroverted where as she was  extremely intelligent and was only boisterous around people she was sure wouldn't judge her.

They both shared a dream of working in acting one day though so they both went to the same drama club.

One day after they finished practicing for their upcoming play, Y/n invited Andy to a secret location that she had never shown anyone else. It was a hidden garden, filled with exotic flowers and plants from all around the world. Andy had never seen anything like it before, and he was completely enchanted. As they walked through the garden, Y/n told Rod about her dreams and aspirations, and Rod listened intently.

As the sun began to set, Y/n turned to Andy and said, "I have a confession to make.... I wanted to tell you this for years but I didn't know how you'd react but we're finishing school soon and I don't think I could live without admitting it at some point."
Andy stared at her confused his heart racing at her nervous nature.

Y/n looked at him in the eyes and took a deep breath "okay so um.. Andy I've had a really stupid crush on you for God knows how long.."

Andy couldn't believe his ears. He had always hoped that Y/n felt the same way, but he never dared to hope that it could be true. "Y/n... it's not stupid." He had a smile on his face wich made y/n feel even more embarrassed.

Did he think she was stupid for this?

He took her hand in his and lifted her chin to look at him "Y/n you are the most perfect person I have ever met... how could I not fall head over heals for you... you make me feel like I'm floating whenever I'm even near you."

Y/n's eyes widened at his confession. "And you're not saying this to make me feel better?" He shook his head with that stupid smile that she always had adored. And with that he kissed her. It was so unexpected y/n barely had time to register before he pulled away. "I'm sorry.. I should've asked first" he said sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.
She laughed and kissed him again.

From that day on, Andy and Y/n were a inseparable, and they spent every moment that they could together. They explored new places, tried new foods, and laughed and loved like they never had before. Andy's life had completely changed, and he knew that it was all thanks to Y/n.

Hey sorry for not posting I've just been really busy with my exams

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