Dreams really do come true -Andy Samberg

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This is the shortest chapter I've written so far and I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you soon!
Thank you for choosing to read my book, I'm truly very grateful for each and every request I get.
Enjoy reading and have a great day/night

Y/n y/l/n had always been in love with Andy Samberg. They grew up together, went to the same schools, and shared the same dreams. Andy was always the class clown, making everyone laugh with his jokes and impressions. Y/n was always the star of the school plays, captivating audiences with her performances.

As they grew older,y/n pursued her dream of becoming an actress, while Andy pursued his dream of becoming a comedian. They both found success in their respective fields, but their friendship never wavered. They would often call each other and talk about their work, discussing everything from their latest projects to their personal lives.

One day, while filming Brooklyn 99 together, y/n realized that her feelings for Andy had grown into something more. She tried to ignore it, but her heart couldn't resist. One night, after a long day of shooting, y/n and Andy went out to dinner. Over a bottle of wine, y/n finally confessed her love for Andy. She expected it all to go wrong. For him to storm out in disgust but Andy's smile never faltered

To her surprise, Andy felt the same way. They started dating and fell deeply in love. Their relationship was a secret at first, beacuase they wanted to figure this out before going to their managers to tell gossip websites but eventually, they couldn't hide their love any longer. They walked the red carpet together, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, and the world couldn't help but fall in love with them too.

Y/n and Andy continued to work together, making movies and TV shows that showcased their incredible talent and their undeniable chemistry. They were each other's muse, and their love story was the stuff of Hollywood legend. Directors and writing teams love their chemistry that they based some writing prompts on their story. Giving them full credit, of course.

During one of their movie shoots, Andy proposed to y/n in front of the entire cast and crew. He got down on one knee and presented her with a beautiful diamond ring.Y/n was over the moon and said yes without hesitation. They planned their wedding for the following year, and it was a star-studded event that brought together the biggest names in Hollywood.

Years went by, and y/n and Andy continued to make movies and TV shows together. They also started a family and had two beautiful children. Plus a cat, 2 goldfish and a hamster, to their twin daughters request. Andy was never good at saying no to them. They were the epitome of Hollywood royalty, and everyone looked up to them as the perfect couple.

One night, while they were in bed, y/n looked at Andy and said, "Do you remember when we were just kids, dreaming about making it big in Hollywood?" Andy smiled and said, "Of course I do. And look at us now. We did it, and we did it together." Y/n smiled back and said, "I love you, Andy." Andy replied, "I love you too, y/n. Always."

Years later, when they both won Oscars on the same night, they walked up to the stage hand in hand, smiling at each other with tears in their eyes. They knew that their success was because they had found each other, and they had never been happier. As they stood on the stage, holding each other tight, the audience erupted in applause, and y/n and Andy knew that they would always be remembered as one of the greatest love stories in Hollywood history.

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