Where that takes us- Rod mf Kimble

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Y/n was bored. Not just in that moment in time she was bored of how similar the days of her life were getting. Of course anyone she knew would be practical praying to have her life and live the way she did and she would hastily and gladly pull a Freaky Friday.

Y/n sat at her usual lunch table with her stuck up, snobby friends who were talking about their next holidays or their new cars but y/n wasn't really paying attention, not that her friends noticed or cared, she had her gaze on something else. Or someone else for that matter.

He had curly hair that sort of reminded her of that one kid from victorious. Robbie or something. Anyways what was important was that y/n couldn't take her eyes off him. He seemed.... Well the opposite to the group of people she was currently sitting with and she wanted to find out more about this guy who had taken over her brain.

She had learned from a few people she had seen him hang around with, Rico, Kevin and Dave, that his name was Rod Kimble and as luck would have it, they both had their next class together.

As y/n sat next to Rod in class, she noticed something different about him, he didn't even look in her direction as she sat. He wasn't like the other guys who were always trying to impress her with their fancy cars or latest gadgets. He was quiet and reserved, but there was a sense of mystery about him that intrigued her. She wondered what he was thinking, what his dreams and aspirations were, and what made him tick.

Over the next few weeks, y/n and Rod worked together on various chemistry projects. They started talking more and more, and she found that he was actually quite funny and charming. He had a dry wit that she found refreshing and a way of looking at the world that was unique.

One day, after class, y/n and Rod were walking back to their lockers when he suddenly grabbed her hand. She looked up at him, startled at the sudden gesture assuming something was wrong, and saw that he was blushing.

"Y/n, I know this might sound crazy, but I've had a crush on you since the first day of school. I know you're out of my league, but I just had to tell you how I feel." He looked away after saying it and y/n could tell he was ashamed.

Y/n was taken aback. She hadn't considered Rod in a romantic way since the lunch hall a few weeks ago and that wasn't her saying she wanted to date him, but now that he had opened up to her, she felt a spark of attraction. She smiled at him and said, "Rod, I think you're amazing. Let's go out sometime and see where this takes us. Maybe you'd like to go to one of my friends third sweet 16. You can bring your friends if you'd like."

From that day on, y/n and Rod started dating. They went on long walks in the park, watched movies together, and talked about their hopes and dreams. Y/n found that she was happier with Rod than she had ever been with any of the other guys who had pursued her.

Eventually, they fell in love and decided to get married. They had a simple ceremony in the park, surrounded by their closest friends and family. As they exchanged vows, y/n realized that she had found the small detail that had been missing from her perfect life: true love.

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