Hair- Andy Samberg

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Kinda longer than the stories I will be publishing in the future but it still isn't the longest. It was sorta still a working progress but I have no idea what to add so I'm just going to leave it like this. Enjoy!

Andy and y/n who had known each other since childhood. They were always together, and as they grew up, their bond only grew stronger. They were the best of friends, and they did everything together. They went to school together, played together, and even went on family vacations together.

when they were teenagers, they decided to experiment with their hairstyles. Andy had long, curly hair, and y/n had straight hair with red highlights. They loved trying out new styles, and y/n was particularly creative with Andy's hair. She would braid it, twist it, and even put it in a messy bun. Andy loved her creativity and enjoyed trying out different hairstyles.

Andy's hair was perfect to y/n she loved the curls.
As they grew older and started dating, Andy would often look back on those days when y/n styled his hair with fondness. He remembered how carefree they were back then, with no worries or responsibilities. It was those little moments of joy and creativity that brought them closer together. They would often talk about the future and the many adventures they wanted to have together.

Years later, when they got married, Andy asked y/n to style his hair one more time, just like they did when they were teenagers. Y/n happily obliged, and as she worked on Andy's hair, they both laughed and reminisced about their younger days. They talked about all the things they had accomplished and all the challenges they had faced together. They realized that they were each other's best friend and that they had always been there for each other, no matter what.

In that moment, they realized that even though they had grown up and faced many challenges in life, their love for each other had never faded. And it all started with a little bit of creativity and a lot of love for each other's unique hairstyles. They knew that they would always be there for each other, to support each other, and to make each other laugh. They were grateful for the bond they shared and knew that their love story would continue for many years to come.

As the years went by, Andy and y/n continued to grow together. They faced numerous challenges, but they always knew that they could count on each other. They became each other's source of strength and support, and their bond only grew stronger with time. They had children, and they raised them with the same love and care they had for each other. Their daughter inherited their fathers curly hair which their mother styled with as much precision that she used for their dads hair.

Even in their old age, Andy and y/n continued to find ways to keep the spark alive. They would often look back on their life together from old albums and laugh at their silly moments. They would still experiment with their hairstyles, and Andy would still ask y/n to style his hair, just like she did when they were teenagers.

Their love story was a testament to the power of friendship, creativity, and love. They were each other's best friend, and they knew each other better than anyone else in the world. They had grown up together, faced numerous challenges, and had created a life full of love and happiness.

In the end, Andy and y/n knew that they had lived a life full of joy and love. They were grateful for each other and for the life they had created together. And as they held each other's hands for the last time, they knew that their love story would continue to inspire others for generations to come.

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