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I'm finally back from that awful place called school. If you ask me, school sucks.
The only source of positivity for me there is Cris, a couple of friends and the cafeteria food.

Cris is the most handsome guy in my class and all the girls are in love with him. Even me. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it "love" but I've had a huge crush on him for the past five months while he doesn't even know my name... Pathetic I know. He's dating Margaret at the moment, a spoilt bitch who's making my life a living hell.

But okay, enough with them for today. Time to relax in my cozy little bedroom. Hmm.. What's that? A new email from Styles! I thought as I opened my laptop. "Hi Ashley! Hope you're ok. Sorry I haven't reply for so long but I've been pretty busy. We moved in Greenville yesterday and had a lot of stuff to do. Write to me when you see this! Lots of love, Marcel."
Marcel is in Greenville?!? That's great!

Marcel is a guy that I met in a social network that's supervised by teachers and allows you to meet other students from your country. We quickly became friends even though we've never seen each other , not even from photographs. He's shy and insecure for himself but im trying to convince him that everyone is special and beautiful their own way.

"You're in town?!? That's great Marcel! When can we meet?" "Well, I can't today cause im still unpacking but are you sure you want to meet a loser like me? :/" "Of course I wanna meet you! Don't you dare call yourself a loser ever again! Everyone is good at something... Your grades for example. You are so smart and a lot of people would want to be like you!" "I don't think so... Im just a nerd, no one likes me. Anyway, I can't meet you today so how about tomorrow at 6:30pm?" "Yeah sure. I'll meet you at the cafe. Go to the town's square and you'll find it. Bye!" "See ya Ashley."

Oh my god! Why is he so insecure? He can't be that ugly... I can't wait to meet him!

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