
23 1 7

Heyyy im back :)

It's New Year's Eve and a have a lot of preparations going on. I went over Hazel's house to cook dinner. We have a whole meal to prepare.

The kitchen was covered in flour, like our clothes, and we were running up and down doing stuff.

"The cake is ready!", I said.
"We'll make the salad later to be fresh."
"Yeah, right."
"What's that smell?", I said disgusted. Our eyes widened.
"THE TURKEY!!!", we both yelled.
"Oh my god! What are we gonna do?", said Hazel looking at the burned food ready to cry.
"Wait a minute.", I said grabbing my phone.
"Hello mum? Can you please cook a turkey? Ours got a little... Tanned.", I said laughing. "Yeah, I'll get it later. Okay thanks.", I said and hang up. "See? It was pretty simple."
"Nice. And now that dinner is ready, shall we clean? Please?"
We cleaned up the house and I went home to get ready for the party.

It was about 9 o'clock when Hazel and I arrived at the square. There were a lot of people and I had a struggle finding the boys through the crowd. Oh there they are! Wait a minute... Is that Margaret with Marcel?
Somebody grabbed my hand getting my attention away from Marcel.
"Ashley! How are you?", I turned around to see Chris smiling widely. "I haven't seen you in such a long time!"
"Im fine Chris.", I simply said.
"Look, I.. I wanted to apologize for what happened at the ball. I was drunk and didn't realize what I was doing. That doesn't change the way I feel about you though.", he said looking at me waiting for a response.
"Uhm, Chris.. I don't want to disappoint you but nothing's gonna happen between us. I already have a boyfriend, you know."
"What?", he said shocked.
What, didn't you think I was good enough to get myself a boyfriend?
"Yeah, im sorry. I gotta go.", I said walking away. "Oh and Chris!", I turned at him, "Thanks for the teddy bear."

Whoa! Is Margaret touching Marcy? My Marcy? Bitch gonna die!
"Walk away quietly if you love your life.", I said approaching her.
"Whoa, chill! What's your problem?", she said annoyed. "Me and the guys are having a great time. Right?", she said turning to them.
"No.", said Niall disgusted.
"Stop messing with my boyfriend and his cousin Margaret."
"So Marcel is your boyfriend?", she said cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah, he is."
"Im not surprised. You two would eventually end up together. But Niall, you're single, right?", she said looking more thirsty than before and I felt myself about to throw up.
"What? Me?", said Niall widening his eyes. "No, no! Hazel is my girlfriend!", he said and we all turned at him surprised.
"Okay then. Im gonna leave. I see that im not welcome here.", she said getting up from the bench.
"Finally!", I said throwing my hands in the air dramatically.
She shot me a poisonous look and walked away.
"Niall! Im not your girlfriend!", Hazel protested.
"I know love but it was the only way to get rid of her. Im sorry if it bothered you."
"No, no it's okay! I was just... surprised.", she said blushing.
'That little fuck.' I thought smiling.

It was now around 11 o'clock and we decided to go to Hazel's house.
"You guys can sit at the table while me and Ashley are serving dinner."
"Nice! Food at last!", said Niall causing Marcel to roll his eyes.
"What?", Niall said looking at him.
"I couldn't agree more Niall!", Hazel said smiling at him.
"See Marcel? Even ladies love food", he said smirking proudly.
"Oh god."
When everything was finally ready, we sat down.

"Did you cook all these by yourselves?"
"Kind of.", I said winking at Hazel.
"Everything is great girls! Well done", said Niall struggling because of the huge amount of food in his mouth.
"Uhm guys, me and Ashley will stay with you till midnight to celebrate the new year and then we'll leave.", Marcel said and I looked at him confused.
"Why so early?", said Hazel looking quite confused too.
"Im sorry Hazel but we'd like some time alone."
"Oh... I see..", said Niall smirking causing me to blush.
"Shut up Niall."
"Hey guys, stop talking and open the TV! It's time for the countdown!"
"Happy New Year cookie!", Marcel said hugging me.
"Happy New Year cupcake!"
"Hey guys! Stop talking about food! You're making me hungry again!", said Niall and we all laughed at the blonde haired boy.
"We should get going.", said Marcel getting up. "Thank you Hazel. Dinner was great, really."
"No problem Marcel."
"Are you sure you're okay with us going?", I said looking at her.
"Oh, im sure we'll be okay on our own.", said Niall smirking and stroking her hand making her jaw drop.

We said goodbye and I entered Marcel's car wondering what he had on mind.

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