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The days passed quickly, high school was over and a new phase starts in my life.

"Ashley baby, there's an envelope for you!", mum yelled from downstairs.

I ran out of my room, almost fell off the stairs and got to the kitchen hoping it was the envelope I was waiting for, for weeks now.

And it was.

I opened it quickly, almost ripping it and read the letter that was inside.

"OH MY GOD!", I said looking at my mum, eyes wide and hands trembling.

"I CANT BELIEVE IT! I GOT IN!", I yelled happily.
"Mum, mum, I got in!", I said again giving her the letter.

"Im going to be a fashion designer, oh my, I can't believe it, my dream is coming true!"

"Thats great baby! Im so happy for you! When are you leaving?"

The college I had applied to was the best fashion design college in existence. There was just a tiny, little detail. It was in Paris.

I read the letter carefully.

"In three days.", I said looking at my mum and she nodded.

THREE DAYS?!? I mean, yes im excited and I wanna go but three freaking days till I leave?

To be honest, I never expected to get in and now the realisation stroke me.
I had to go away. Away from my family, from Hazel, away from my Marcy...

How the hell am I going to tell him about it?

I have to...

He has to understand..

I ran back to my room and dialed Hazel's number.
"Hello?", I heard her voice from the other end.
"Hi Hazel. Can you come over?"
"Yeah of course. Did something happen?"
"Come and I'll tell you."
"Okay, okay, I'll be there in 5'."


I heard knocking on my door.
"Come in!", I said not bothering to move from my bed.

"Heyy! Im here!", said Hazel entering the room with the smile she always had on her face.
"Now that im here, tell me what happened.", she said sitting on my bed, next to me.

"Well, I have bad and good news.", I started.
"The good ones are that I got into the fashion design college I had applied to months ago."

"Thats wonderful Ash!", she cut me off.
"But you don't seem so happy about it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I am happy Hazel! I've dreamed that since I was a child."

"Then why are you grumpy?"

"And here comes the bad news. I have to move to Paris for some years until I graduate from college. Away from all of you. How am I going to do this Hazel? How am I going to tell Marcel?"

"Aw, c'mon now, don't be a fool! Of course you're gonna tell him! And you will continue to have a relationship even though it will be a long-distance one. It's about your future Ashley, you can't back off and leave the chance to fulfill your dream. He's going to understand, trust me.", she said stroking my back.

"What if the long-distance thing doesn't work for us? Im gonna be in France and he's gonna be in England. That's two different countries..", I said, tears filling my eyes.

"Hey, look at me and Niall! Im in England and he's in Ireland! We still keep in touch though. I never said it was going to be easy but it's the only option you have. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

"You think?"

"Yes, I do."

"Thank you Hazel.", I said hugging her. "That's why I love you."

"I love you too, stupid friend.", she smiled at me.

"Oh, and when are you leaving?"

"In three days."

"THREE DAYS?!?", she said with wide eyes.

"Not helping!", I said laughing.

"Yeah, im sorry. You have to talk to him, you know.."

"I know.", I said looking down.
"And im going to do it today."

I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Hi Marcel.", my heart fluttered when I heard his voice. How am I going to do this to my cutiepie?

"Oh, hello love! How are you?"
"Marcel, we gotta talk."

There was a short pause until he spoke again.

"That doesn't sound good. Should I worry?"

"We'll talk about it from up close. Please be at the cafe at 6 o'clock."

"Okay.. "

"Goodbye Marcel."

"Goodbye baby girl."

Omg the goodbyes at the end gave me feels because she's leaving, that's why she said goodbye and he doesn't even know about it yet, oh my..

I want them together :'(

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