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I put on my favourite pair of cozy pajamas, pulled my hair up on a messy bun and went on cleaning my room. When I was finally done I made myself a warm cup of coffee and put on my favourite show, The Vampire Diaries.
Oh god, Ian Somerhalder is so hot!
I was so busy checking him out that I didn't realize my phone was ringing.
"Hey Ash! How you doin'?", I heard Hazel's familiar voice.
"Fine. How about you?"
"Fine. I called to see if you're okay after last night's events."
"What do you mean?", I asked terrified. How does she know what happened last night?
"Uhm, Chris punched Marcel? Ashley are you okay?" she asked really puzzled.
"Oh yeah, that. Do you wanna come over?"
"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes."

I heard the bell ring and I ran to open the door.
"Hey! Come in."
"Where are your parents?"
"Out of town... Another business trip. I think they'll be home by the afternoon but im not sure." I shrugged.
"Oh okay. Did anything happen between you and Chris last night?"
I looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, I don't know..." she said smirking. "He seems to be interested in you and as far as im concerned, you like him too. You also had the whole house on your own..."
"Hazel, what? Ew no! Chris hurt Marcel and im not going to forgive him anytime soon! Oh and you've fallen behind.. I don't like Chris anymore."
"What? Why? Is there anything new going on?", she asked curious and excited.
"There is something...", I said blushing.
"Well, well, well... And why am I being kept in the dark? Tell me everything! Who is he? Is he in our school's soccer team? Tell me!" she said hopping up and down.
"Whoa Hazel! Calm down! He's not in the team."
"Who is he then?"
"Why don't we discuss this over lunch? Im starving!", I said giving her a pleading look.
"Okay but you'll tell me. You wont get away with this.", she said laughing.
"Okay Hazel, okay! Let me get dressed and we'll go to the restaurant."
"I think it's snowing again. Don't forget to grab your coat."

I wore a pair of black jeans, a grey sweater, my cat shaped necklace, a black beanie and my grey converse. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket.
"Hello love!"
"Marcy, hi! Im going out for lunch with Hazel."
"We don't have much of a choice. This town has only one restaurant, remember?"
"Yeah, right."
"HOW'S YOUR NOSE?", Hazel yelled from the background.
"Hazel says-"
"I know, I heard her. Well after last night's treatment im feeling much better. I think I should get into trouble more often." he said chuckling.
"Shut up you fool.", I said laughing. "Anyway, I should probably hang up. My belly is protesting. See ya!"
"Bye baby girl."

We entered the restaurant, sat at a table and ordered lunch.
"Marcel looked great yesterday. I didn't even recognize him!"
"Yeah, he's handsome.", I said and a wave of jealousy went through my body even though there was not a reason.
"I don't understand why he's hiding behind those huge glasses and old fashioned clothes."
"He may like them. And to be honest, I think he's gorgeous no matter what he's wearing.", I said blushing a bit at the thought of those emerald eyes.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!", said Hazel with wide eyes. "Ashley? Do you like Marcel?"
"A lot.", I said nodding.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
"He already knows." She almost chocked on her food.
"What?! How?"
"He asked me to be his girlfriend this morning."
"And I didn't know? Tell me everything!", she said excited. I swear, she is the most energetic and full of excitement person I know.
"I took him home to take care of his nose last night. While I was cleaning it up we somehow confessed our feelings. We kissed and spent an amazing night together. We were having a bath the next morning when he asked me to be his girl. I said yes of course."
"That's great Ash!"
"What's great?", a voice behind me said. I turned around to see my boy.
"Marcy! What are you doing here?" He looked at Hazel and then at me.
"It's okay. She knows." I said and he leaned in pecking my lips.
"I missed you love."
"C'mon, we were together a few hours ago... Marcel, I didn't know we had telepathy!", I said laughing. He was wearing black jeans, a grey sweater and a black beanie.
"This is ridiculous!", he said giggling.
"I like it.", I said. "And I like you. Have I ever told you how cute you look with a beanie?" I pulled him closer and crashed my lips on his.
"Get a room you two! There are children around!", Hazel said laughing.
"Yeah, you're right Hazel... It's just.. I can't control myself when Ashley is around.." he said shooting me a look.
"Whoa tiger!", Hazel said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, uhm.. What's up?", he said feeling uncomfortable.
"Nothing special. How about you?"
"I got an email from my cousin. He's coming to spend Christmas holiday with my family and im so excited!", he said. "You should meet him. He's a great guy!"
"Can't wait babe.", I said smiling and he smiled back giving me a hug.

Sorry guys this is a boring chapter :/

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