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Isla knew how she had been worrying about her mum returning. She knew that she wanted Leigh to adopt her.

So she would have a proper family. But she knew that she would need to get her mum's permission. And she knew that would go down like a led balloon.

Isla knew all she had been through. And it was hard for her to open up. She felt like her dad didn't really want her around.

Isla knew that she was thankful that Leigh had stepped up and was helping her out. She felt like she had a mum already. But she wanted to make it official.

She knew that things were a mess. And she just wanted it to be simple. But her life was far from simple.

Morning came and so Isla woke to see Lexie sitting on her bed. She smiled. "Hi!" She said.

"Morning. You're awake early," Isla said as she looked to her sister.

Lexie nodded. "Me know. Me going to daddy work today. Mine school closed and mummy has go doctors. She poorly," she told her.

Isla nodded and smiled. She pulled her under the duvet and held her close. "You are the best sister on this planet," she said as she looked to her.

"Me know. I mazing."

Isla laughed as she climbed out of bed. She looked to Lexie. "Remember. You can't bully anyone at my school."

"I no bully. I nice girl," Lexie said as she walked off out the room.

Isla went into school with her dad. She was about to walk off when he called her. "Listen, I'm going to speak to your mum today. You don't have to see her. I want to get the adoption sorted out."

"I don't have to see her?"

Max shook his head. He smiled. "No. I wouldn't put you through that again. I just want to get you the best mum I can," he told her.

Isla nodded. She knew how she was worried about her mum. But she had to trust her dad when he said he wasn't going to let her mum near her.

Isla was sitting in the common room. She looked up to see Tom as he walked in. He sat with her. "I've been talking with your dad. He says he's going to see your mum today. Are you okay?" He asked.

Isla nodded. "I have to be. If I want Leigh to adopt me, my dad has to see her," she told him.

Tom smiled. He took her hand discreetly. "You know I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything," he said.


Max looked up as Leigh walked in. He smiled. "How did it go?" He asked.

"Not bad. I have to go back next week for check ups. But I'm okay," Leigh said.

Max nodded. He kissed her. "Listen, keep an eye on Isla today. I'm worried about her. And knowing I'm seeing her mum will be playing on her mind," he told her.

"Will do."

Isla was sitting in the house after school. She was worried about things. More importantly her dad going to see her mum.

Isla knew how toxic her mum was. And she somehow had to try and get her off her mind.

But she had no idea how her mum was going to stir up more trouble then Isla originally thought.

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