~1~ Field Trip Fic

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This is my very first one-shot book and I feel as though I have to start off with a cliché field trip fic.  This is probably going to have a lot of mistakes to the point where it gets painful to read. Also this is going to be in 3rd person I think. 

Honestly I don't think anyone's gonna read this and if they do they'll regret it. 

⚠️TW: school ⚠️

I do not own Marvel whatsoever. (How cool would it be to own Marvel?)

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Peter woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm. Groaning, he reached his arm out trying to shut it up. Instead, he accidentally broke it. Ah, shoot. He thought. That's the third one this month. 

What harm can a few more minutes of sleep do? Peter thought sleepily. Just before he drifted off, he heard the smoke alarm go off.

That was enough to wake him up. 

 Getting up, he walked into the kitchen where Aunt May was waving away some smoke with a towel. Failed attempt at pancakes. "Hey sleepyhead!" Aunt May exclaimed. "G'morning," Peter mumbled, still tired. Maybe staying up until 2 A.M. wasn't a good idea. "I tried making some pancakes for you before you head off to school, but as you can see that didn't turn out well," she laughed. "Hmm" came his reply. 

"You should get going." Aunt May said. "Wouldn't want to be late to school."

Shrugging, Peter walked back to his room to get dressed. 

~Time Skip brought to you by John ╰(*°▽°*)╯~

At School:




"You guys are losers." MJ stated. Peter and Ned looked at her before turning back to the original conversation. "Wait, so we're going to the Avengers Tower?" Peter asked. "Yup! It's gonna be amazing!" Ned exclaimed. "No! Not awesome!" Peter argued. "They're going to-"

"Parker! Ready for your lies to be exposed?" Flash asked, interrupting Peter.  

"Alright class, it's time to get on the bus now," Mr. Harrison shouted towards the group of kids. 

Once they were on the bus, Peter chose to ignore any excited rambling from other students by listening to music. He hit shuffle on the Hamilton album before spacing out. 

~Another time skip cause I'm lazy~

At the Avengers Tower:

Peter only zoned back in once people started getting up and excitedly pushing to get to the front. Standing up, he quickly pushed pause halfway through Take a Break. He was walking down the steps when he felt a buzz in the back of his neck, telling him to move. Instead of moving, he reluctantly let himself get pushed off the steps and onto the concrete. Peter lay there for a second before pushing himself up. 


Of course everyone was freaking out. It's the Avengers freaking tower! Once they were all inside they started looking around in awe. Then, the tour guide started talking. "My name is Eliza and I'll be your tour guide for the trip," she started. "We'll be visiting the lower interns level first and we'll work our way up from there. Be careful not to touch anything and don't wander away from the group.

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