~26~ Mutation

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I think I might have just ended a two year friendship. In 10-15 minutes. 

Day 12 of spooktober: Mutation 

lmao I have a science test tomorrow and I can't even remember what it's supposed to be on. 

Btw, Peter doesn't have his powers yet, but he does intern for Tony. 

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Peter loved interning for Tony Stark. When he first met him, he nearly passed out from the sheer excitement of it all. 

How cool was it to meet your hero. He was way better than the media painted him. At first he was really closed off, but eventually he opened up more and now it was very clear to anyone actually looking that Tony Stark thought of Peter Parker as a son. 

He would protect Peter at all costs. (same)

There was one day, when Peter was walking to the tower, that someone quickly grabbed him, and due to his lack of strength, there was no fight. 

He woke up in a strange, dark room. It was freezing cold as well. 

He was hardly conscious, or aware of his surroundings. Sometimes he would close his eyes for a mere second, only to open them and find himself in a different room. There were needles in one room. The other was empty. 

One time he closed his eyes once he felt a needle injected into him, and woke up in large amounts of pain. 

He was briefly aware of someone recording, and talking. It sounded like a demand? 

Peter was trying to think more about why they might be recording, but his thoughts were interrupted by a new flash of white, searing hot pain all over his body. 

He sunk back into the calming, painless, darkness that had been so welcoming these past couple days. 

When he woke, he was no longer in unbearable pain. Instead the pain had shrunk so it now seemed insignificant. 

Peter still felt awful and sick, but it almost seemed like he was able to hear better. 

He listened and heard a voice that said: "Day 4, Tony. You still haven't found him, don't know if you ever will. Better hurry, your little intern may be running out of time!" Glee was evident in the masculine sounding voice. 

Peter heard more of a commotion outside, lots of what sounded like screaming. Peter wasn't going to be able to fight anyway, so he just hoped that if he was going to be killed, it would be fast. 

He heard the bang of metal crashing on the ground, footsteps getting louder and eventually a reassuring voice whispering comforting words. Peter kept his eyes closed unable to will himself to open them. 

He felt himself being lifted off the ground as he slowly lost consciousness. 

-Time skip!!- 

When Peter woke up, he could hear every conversation going on. It was all so loud. It sounded like they were talking right into his ear. He didn't realize that they were whispering until someone came into the room talking at a normal volume. The normal volume sounded like screaming. 

He opened his eyes slowly, and immediately regretted it. The dam lights were way too bright.

Stupid fluorescents messing with his eyesight. 

"Peter? Kid thank god you're awake," Came the worried voice of Tony Stark. 

Peter groaned, still slightly out of it. 

"Peter, I really don't know how to tell you this, but while you were stuck in that room, they did experiments on you, and well-" Tony stopped to stare at Peter to make sure he was following along. 

"I'm not sure how much you remember, but they fused your DNA with spider DNA." 

"Wait, does that mean I have superpowers?" Peter quickly asked. 

"Possibly, we don't know. Look, I am so so sorry, it's all my-" 

Peter cut him off. "So I could become a superhero?! What powers do I have!? Wait, you said you didn't know if I have powers. How do we test that?"

Tony stared at Peter before bursting out laughing. Of course only Peter wouldn't be concerned about being mutated. 

"Sure kid, we can see what powers you have."


The end. 

I love you! Thanks for reading, you make me very happy. I'm so proud of you. Remember to eat/sleep enough and drink enough water. 

Have a good day/night!




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