~9~ Safety bubble

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Hi! How is everyone? I'm doing my best to write some stuff. Let's see how long that lasts. 

I wonder how bad this can get. 

This is based off of one picture that I was unable to find. 

Never mind I found it.

Also if anyone has an requests, please tell me them. I'm dying over here. Please. 

Also I went to see the Barbie movie, and I personally found it funny and thought it was good. Two of my friends didn't think it was really that good. My mom thought I wouldn't like it and one of my friends mom thought the movie would break me. Little did they know that I've been really wanting to watch it.

Also please comment it encourages me. 

Onto the story!

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Peters POV:

Peter couldn't wait to go to the tower. Tony and Peter were going to have a lab day since it was a  Friday. The plan was that Peter would be staying for the weekend then go back to May on Monday since it was a long weekend. 

He was humming along to Hamilton while packing when he heard a knock. 

"Coming!" Peter shouted. 

He ran to the door, using his socks to slide into the door. 

He took a step back and opened the door. 

"C'mon kid, I'm waiting," Happy greeted him. 

"Lemme just go grab my bag," he said. Peter hoped he would be able to quickly finish packing. 

He ran back to his room, grabbed his bag and quickly ran to grab his toothbrush along with some toothpaste. 

"Hopefully that's everything I need," he muttered under his breath. 

He grabbed his back and made sure to shut off all the lights before he left. He also double checked to make sure all the windows were closed and the door was locked. 

~Time skip simply because I can~

Just because Peter was staying at the tower didn't mean he was going to take a break from being Spider-Man.

Tony's only rule was that he had to be back by 1 am. It would have been earlier if it was a school day.

So here Peter was, probably out past his curfew stopping some crime. 

So far he had stopped a few muggings, stopping a robbery, helped bring a cat down from a tree, and helped an old lady bring her groceries to her car. He had  no idea why that lady was shopping at 1:30 am.  

He was about to go back to the tower when he heard someone calling for help. 

He swung down and saw another mugging. 

There was a woman holding a knife against a mans throat. 

"Don't you know it's not nice to threaten people with knives?" Peter inquired. 

"Mind your own business, Spider-Man," she sneered. 

A few quips later and once he made sure the man was safe, Peter went to web up the women. 

However, there was a loud noise that distracted him long enough for the woman to stab him. 

"Aw fuck I can't believe you've done this!"

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