~17~ Buckled

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Hi!!!!! This is an authors note in a one shot in a one shot book. 

Please make sure to comment, vote or give any suggestions. 

Please I really need suggestions and comments keep me going.

This is day 3 of spooktober. 

The one for today is buckled. 

This is going to be short my brain is fried. 

Btw Peter lives in the tower. So does May but she's not really going to be mentioned in this story. 

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Peter had been crushed by multiple things. The heaviest was probably the warehouse. 

That was pretty heavy. He really hoped that would be the last thing he would have to hold up. Cause, god, that took a lot of strength out of him. He was honestly surprised he didn't die then and there. 

Anyway, Parker luck kicked in and now he was stuck holding up another building. Except this time it was an apartment building. 

He would do anything for it to be that warehouse. This was like 10 of those warehouses, plus someone pushing down on them. 

Fate must be watching him through it's cauldron, cackling. 

You are probably sitting there, thinking, again?! Yes again, go cry about it, now let's go back to how he got here. 

~little backwards time skip. It's like a time skip but it brings you to the past~ 

 They were getting ready to go on a mission, it was supposed to be simple. There had been a rumor that Hydra was going to steal something from an apartment building. 

After a little confirmation, they had found out that those rumors were true. 

All they were trying to do was go in, take that thing first, then go back later and ambush Hydra. Really simple, right? Well, Peter had been one of the ones sent in to take the thing, due to his ability to crawl on walls. 

Let's make this clear: Peter was not illegally taking it. They had arranged it beforehand. They just didn't want it on any security cameras. Just in case Hydra was able to access previous footage. That would ruin their entire plan. 

Back to the story: Peter was in the room with the safe. He didn't know the combination, so he planned to just rip the door off. But then he got startled by some gun shots, so he took the safe and tossed it out the window to where Tony was waiting. 

He could hear footsteps running down the hallway and he quickly hid above the door. 

Five seconds later, 7 Hydra agents came rushing in. 

"It's not here," one of them cursed. 

"What do you mean it's not here!!?" One shouted. 

"I mean it's not here, look!" the first one exclaimed, exasperated.

"Then find it! It was here an hour ago!" 

6 of them started to rush out the door to find it, when the one who seemed like he was the leader called 3 of them back. 

"Not you 3! You need to rig bombs along this floor. We have other agents working on the bottom floor."

"Why do we need bombs on the top floor if we're just putting some on the bottom anyway? What's the point?" One inquired. 

"It will install fear in everyone in the building. They'll know what's coming and they won't be able to escape." 

Peter felt a knot of dread as he realized he needed to hurry in getting everyone out. 

He saw one of them placing a bomb in each corner of the room before moving on. 

Once he saw the coast was clear, he quietly shut the door and began disabling the bombs. It was weirdly difficult. He managed to get 2 of them before he began running out of time. That was when he realized he should probably get people out of the building. 

In a moment of panic, he tossed the bombs out the window where they would hopefully explode before they hit the ground. 

Maybe it would look awesome. 

Peter hoped so. The last bomb blew up just as he was tossing it out the window. Luckily that managed to stop most of the force, but it still blew him back through the wall. 

"Damn, that hurt" 


Oops. Peter forgot he was on the comms. 

"Peter I want you to get out of there. It's not safe," Tony's muffled voice came through. 

"What about the civilians!?" He argued. 

"I'll go and get them out, I have a suit of armor that'll keep me safe. It's still very easy for you to get hurt," Tony's tone made it very clear that the conversation was over. 

But Peter wasn't good with social cues, or listening. 

 "Nope!" He cackled before ripping out the earpiece and tossing it out the window. He really loves tossing things out windows. The last he heard from the earpiece was: "Peter, Peter I swear to god-"

"Karen, roughly how many people are in this building?"

"There seems to be an estimate of 300. Peter, I suggest you get out of the building as it isn't-"

"Karen, mute!" 

No ones telling me what to do! Peter thought. 

He had gotten all but a few people out when the rest of the bombs went off. 


He held up the building long enough for the rest to find some exit. But what Peter wasn't expecting was another round of bombs to go off, knocking down the rest of the support beams. 

~Time skip! Back to the present~

Peter had been holding this up for about 30 minutes and he suspected that it was only adrenaline keeping him going at this point. 

Times like these were when he really loved adrenaline. 

But even with the adrenaline he was still going to pass out soon. 

1. From exhaustion, 2. lack of oxygen. 

Man, that lack of oxygen was really getting to him. 

Next thing he knew, his legs buckled beneath him, making him fall and hit his head. 

It was as though his legs had mini bombs, rigged to explode, taking down all of his support. 

That was all he could think of as he faded in and out of consciousness. That and he really hoped he wasn't going to be to traumatized. 


I don't really know how to end this one so that's the end! 

You can make your own ending if you want. 

Hope you enjoyed this one shot!

I enjoyed writing it.

Have a good day/night! 

Remember to take care of yourself by drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and eating enough. 


You are very beautiful/handsome and I love you very much! 



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