I may not update regularly, but I'm working on that!
Also, I never know how to end these, so sorry if the ending suck
Morgan is 4 years old
Just some fluff
Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
"Beach!" Morgan shouted once she saw the beach out the window of the car.
Tony chuckled, parking the car. It was a horrible job, but who cares. After all, he's Tony freaking Stark.
"Come on Morgan, let's grab the floaties and life jackets." The beach looked rather empty for such a sunny day. Well, less likely the paparazzi would bother him.
Pepper got out of the car and stretched before heading to the trunk to grab a cooler and umbrella. Placing the umbrella on the cooler, she began walking a bit closer to the water so that it would be easier to keep an eye on Morgan.
Tony grabbed the chairs and sand toys and started following Pepper. Only after making sure Morgan was coming too, obviously.
-Time skip, time skip, does whatever a time skip does-
Morgan was happily splashing in the water while Tony and Pepper watched. "Mommy! Come play with me!" She shrieked excitedly. Pepper got up to join Morgan in her splashing spree.
"Come on Tony! Come join us," Pepper laughed. Tony smiled getting up to join them.
"ROAR!" Morgan shouted, splashing water at Tony with her dinosaur toy. "I'M A MONSTER AND I'M COMING FOR YOU!" she giggled. Tony gasped.
"But you can't beat the amazing Iron Man!" He yelled, splashing her with his Iron Man toy. Yes, his. Not Morgan's. He had a toy for each Avenger. Then, Pepper snuck up behind Tony with a bucket full of water and dumped it on his head. Morgan couldn't stop laughing. (You know that laugh that little kids do when they find something funny, but they sound like psychos? That's what Morgan was doing)
"Oh you think that's funny, missy?" Suddenly Tony scooped up a bunch of water and dumped it on Morgan's head. Morgan had a look of betrayal in her eyes. Suddenly, she got an amazing idea. One that would get her dad in trouble with her mom. Morgan started to cry.
Not silent crying. But loud sobs. Pepper turned to glare at Tony before turning around and picking up Morgan. "Hey that's not fair! I didn't do any-"
Pepper cut him off. "You shouldn't have splashed her! You know she doesn't like getting water dumped on her head!" Pepper began to whisper sweet nothings in Morgan's ear. Morgan knew she had to keep up the act, make it seem convincing. So she started to calm down a little, making sure to sniffle and wipe her eyes with her tiny fists.
Once she made sure that her dad was looking at her, she stuck out her small tongue.
He gaped at her, not sure how to react. He came to the realization that Pepper wouldn't believe him. Muttering under his breath, he starting collecting their beach things before head back to the car.
While they were driving back home, Morgan shouted, "I want ice-cream!"
"Morgan, you can't have ice-cream now, it's getting too close to dinner," Tony reminded her.
Morgan's eyes began watering. Her bottom lip quivered. "Uugggh. Fine. You can have ice-cream." He groaned.
-Time skip to after they've had ice cream and went home. Morgan is now in bed-
Tony was lying in bed, awake even though it was now 2:00 A.M. He had an amazing day at the beach with his family. However, even though he had fun there was still a part of him that was sad. He knew that his family wasn't complete.
It hadn't been complete since he watched his kid disappear on Titan. He could still remember the fear in his eyes.
Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good. I don't- I don't know what's happening.
The way he had begged for Tony to save him.
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, sir please
Tony had never felt more helpless.
Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go
He couldn't process what was happening to his kid, until it was to late.
I'm sorry.
Peter had apologized for his own death.
Kid, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss you. There are days where I think it starts to hurt less, but then it begins to hurt all over again.
You would love Morgan, Pete. I tell her stories of you. I hope you don't mind that she sees you as the big brother she never got to meet.
I still need you, kid.
The end!
Hope you enjoyed the fluff.
If anyone has any requests, please send them to me.
I need ideas.
Thanks for reading and have a good day. Make sure to take care of yourself.

Avengers + their spiderson one-shots
FanfictionJust some one-shots of the avengers with their spiderson. I really suck at descriptions and don't know what else to say. Enjoy!