~37~ Popcorn

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Hi! I'm kinda hungry rn but idk what to eat so maybe I'll go find some leftovers or something later. Does anyone have any book recommendations? I'm creating a list of books to read/buy and I just wanna know if anyone has any good suggestions. 


Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


The air popper was on the counter in all its glory. Shining unforgivingly. Challenging anyone to make popcorn. 

Peter stood, alone, holding a container of popcorn kernels, with no armor to shield him. 

He took a deep breath in, and opened the lid. Shaky hands plugged in the air popper. His heart was beating, beating, beating faster than normal. His palms were getting sweaty. 

Peter grabbed the scoop and scooped the kernels. He had to take a moment to scrape up more courage. He soon poured the kernels into the air popper, and was just waiting for his spidey sense to warn him. Honestly, he was surprised it hadn't gone off yet. He had faced Thanos with more courage than now. 

He summoned up all the courage he had left and braced himself for the worst. 

He flicked the switch. 

He could hear the air, aggressively forcing its way up. 

He waited. 

And waited. 

And waited some more. 

Nothing was happening. 

Confused, he got up and peered over the air popper, trying to see if anything was close to popping. He quickly pulled his head back once he realized that he forgot to put the lid on. 

Scrambling to find the lid, he fell twice. While he was lying there, about to accept defeat, he saw it. 

Up on the counter, taunting him with how close it was, but how impossible it would be to get it on in time. 

With more commitment than he had ever had in his life, he snatched the lid and threw himself at the air popper. 

He succeeded in putting the lid on. 

Then he waited again. 

Waiting for the pop. 

Waiting for the pop that never came. 

He waited.

And waited. 

And waited. 

5 minutes passed, then 10, then 15, then 20, then 25, and eventually 30. Peter was getting bored, so he grabbed his phone and a chair and started scrolling on TikTok. How long was this going to take?!

He was starting to question if it was broken or not, after all, how could something take so long to pop! 

He began to confusedly walk around his apartment. Was he stupid or something? Was this thing a piece of junk? Were they scammed? 

He was debating calling his Aunt May to ask her about it when he heard footsteps outside the apartment. He heard the key in the lock on the door. 

Shoot. He was supposed to have the popcorn ready before she got home so that they could turn on the movie right away. Since Aunt May had to work late, they both already had dinner. Then Peter heard hushed voices outside the door and was able to recognize the sounds of Avengers trying to be sneaky. 


.2 seconds later, Peter heard lots of shushing and a smacking noise. He didn't need to see them to figure out who smacked Thor. 

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