Hi! How is everyone doing? Hope you had a good day!
I ended up not going to school today and tried messaging my friend for the math homework, but she forgot about it by the time she was back at school. I would've reminded her but I didn't want to be pushy or bother her so if it gets brought up tomorrow, I'm going to pretend like I forgot as well.
Also I personally love wearing bracelets and now I have plenty of Taylor Swift themed ones so I'm going to see how long is take my bestie to notice the Taylor Swift references. She likes to look at my bracelets randomly, especially when I wear a new one.
Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
Sewing could be fun. When Peter first started, he wasn't the best at it. The stuff he made looked messy, but as he got better, he was able to sew neatly without a sewing machine. Of course, once he got a little older, he was able to find a sewing machine and that made it about 1000 times easier.
He began sewing together stuffed animals to give to Ned and MJ. He had assumed they would just throw them out once they got home, but he didn't expect them to keep every single one.
Even MJ, who didn't keep stuffed animals out, kept those ones on her bed every night. Ned had a shelf dedicated to the ones Peter gave him.
Ned actually had a couple shelves dedicated to stuff him and Peter had done together.
Eventually Peters sewing machine broke, so he had to go back to doing it by hand before he'd be able to get a new one. The issue was, he kept losing needles.
It was an awful game of 'Where's Waldo" except Waldo took after Loki and would stab you.
Since he knew how to sew so well, he figured it would be pretty simple to give himself stitches. After all, how different could it be?
It was so different. For one, he had to find a different needle, and he couldn't use regular thread. He had to go to the drugstore to find all that and by the time he got home he was dizzy from blood loss. He had no clue if anyone noticed him bleeding while he was out.
As it turns out, he wasn't able to give himself stitches. He couldn't even see the wound properly, so he was probably missing and just sewing up somewhere that didn't even have a cut. So he chose to text the group chat.
The psych ward escapees 👹👹
Does anyone know how to do stitches? :🅱️eter
MJtheQueen: My mom taught me when I was 13
NedinTheChair: I thought we talked about this Peter
MJtheQueen: I'll text Tony if you show up at my house needing stitches
So you won't do the stitches? :🅱️eter
MJtheQueen: I'll do the stitches but I'll still text Tony loser
NedinTheChair: Dude
NedinTheChair: Dude!
NedinTheChair: Why does she have Tony Starks number and I don't!
Because you spammed him then hacked the tower so he blocked you :🅱️eter
MJtheQueen: So, do you need stitches or not?
NedinTheChair: What's the homework assignment?
For what class? :🅱️eter
Also, I'm coming over MJ, just don't tell Tony I need stitches. :🅱️eter
MJtheQueen: No promises
MJ took 2 screenshots of chat
Put the screenshots back MJ! :🅱️eter
NedinTheChair: For math, I forgot what the homework is
I'll drop it off for you when I swing by your place :🅱️eter
The end! Hope everyone enjoyed!
Sorry this one is short and a day late, I gave up about halway through and only came back to it today. As we can see I clearly have commitment issues.
I'm so proud of you and I love you so so much, please remember to eat enough, sleep enough and drink enough water.

Avengers + their spiderson one-shots
FanfictionJust some one-shots of the avengers with their spiderson. I really suck at descriptions and don't know what else to say. Enjoy!