~2~ Meeting the Avengers

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Hi it's me!

I'm doing another one-shot that's been done many times cause I'm not very creative or original. 👍

In this, the Avengers have never met Peter, Civil war never happened. 

We're also ignoring IW and Endgame. 

Tony doesn't know that Peter is Spider-Man.

Peter is Tony's intern. 

I don't own Marvel and if I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction. Or maybe I would.

⚠️TW: Homework ⚠️

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Uuuuuuuuuughhhhhh. Homework. Peter moved his head to the other side. He had calculus homework to do. He, of course, couldn't focus. (Who ever can focus on homework) What made it even harder to focus was the fact that the Avengers were coming. To the tower. Today! I hope Thor's there. Peter thought.

Looking at his watch, Peter jumped up with excitement. The Avengers should be here now. He was in the lab doing his homework cause he didn't have anything else to work on and Tony had to prepare for the Avengers. 

Peter got into the elevator and waited impatiently for it to go to the top. Suddenly, Peter became overcome with a random burst of worry. 

What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm annoying? What if they hate me? What if I sound whiney? What if-

Peters what if's were cut off by the elevator door opening. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and walked out of the elevator towards Tony. "Hi Mr. Stark!" he said cheerfully. "Pete! Come say hi to the Avengers." 

"Hi son, I'm Captain America, but you already knew that." 

"H-hi Mr. Captain America Steve Rogers Sir" Peter stuttered. "I'm Natasha." 

"Hi Ms. Agent Romanoff Black Widow ma'am. My friend is a huge fan of you. So am I." He added the last part quickly. "Just call me Nat or Natasha." Stupid Peter, why'd you have to go ahead and call her the wrong name.

"Hi Mr. Barnes White Wolf Winter Soldier Sir"


"Shoot, sorry Mr. Bucky Barnes White Wolf Winter Soldier Sir." 

A few of the Avengers snickered at that. (Sam) 

"N-no, just Bucky."

More introductions were made, and in that moment the Avengers all knew that if anything happened to Peter they would kill everyone in the room and then themselves. 

~Time skip cause I don't know what to do help~

As a few weeks went by, the Avengers began to suspect something was up with Peter. However, whenever they would bring this up with Tony, he would just dismiss them, saying that they were being ridiculous. 

So eventually, they came to the conclusion that Peter must be mutated in some way. First off, he had crazy quick reflexes. 

Then, he was weirdly fast for a kid his age. Especially one that looks like a nerd. Plus he was strong to.  

Finally, the one time they scared him and he stuck to the ceiling. He pretended nothing happened, as though he hadn't just been on the ceiling a minute ago. 

So of course, the only way they could test this theory, was by throwing a weight at him. It was a 50 pound weight so hopefully if he didn't catch it, it wouldn't hurt him that much. 

Anyway, on with the plan. 

"Hey Peter! Think fast!" Steve shouted before throwing the weight at him. He may have underestimated how far he needed to throw the weight because it was headed for Peters face instead of his arm. Surprisingly (or not) Peter caught it without any issue and gently put it down. "Why were you throwing weights at me?" Peter asked curiously. Steve was going to come up with an excuse but he decided that would be a waste of time. Plus he didn't have one. 

"Well the team thinks you're mutated and possibly Spider-Man so that was a little test." Steve said quickly. 

Peter laughed. "Yeah, you wanna know a secret? I'm Spider-Man. You got me there." 

"Oh, well I can just go tell the team this was a misunderstanding- WHAT?! You're Spider-Man!?" Steve exclaimed. "But you're so young!"

And then Steve told the rest of the Avengers and they all spontaneously combusted. Then Dr. Strange walked in and resurrected them cause he can. They were all very happy to be alive and not dead.

Then Peter threw himself out a window and Clint jumped out before remembering that Peter was Spider-Man. Then Peter caught Clint and they all celebrated and had cake. 

They lived happily ever after blah blah blah. 

The end. 


 Incase you couldn't tell I gave up towards the end. 

~744 words, written on April 18th 2023~

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