~25~ Storm

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hi! New day so hopefully this will be better than last time. 

Day 11 of spooktober: Storm

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Stormy days are the best. It's always so relaxing and it's the perfect weather to curl up and read a book beside a window. 

Well, that's what Peter was trying to do. He was at his apartment with May, when it started storming. Aunt May had decided to take a nap, so Peter thought he would read for a little bit. He was going to re read the Percy Jackson series. He loved it so much. 

He was relaxing, until the apartment leaked. Peter looked up from his book when he felt a drop of water on his head. 

Oh shoot it's raining, I should probably go inside. Peter thought before remembering that he was inside. 

It took him a few seconds, but he clued in and realized the apartment was leaking. 

He opened his mouth to call for May, but decided against it. She was always so busy, he didn't want to wake her. 

He grabbed a bowl, unsure of where any buckets were and place the bowl under the leak. Later, he noticed another leak. This time he place a cup. 

Once he saw the third leak, he was done. He grabbed a rain jacket and an umbrella and walked his way to the tower. Once he got in, he was taken back out by security because they didn't believe him when he said he knew Tony Stark. 

"Sure kid," One had snickered. 

Peter sighed in frustration and went into the nearest alley to put on his Spider-Man suit. He then scaled the wall, into the living room window. 

He hadn't properly met the avengers, so to say they were shocked when Spider-Man came crashing through the window was an understatement. 

He would've gone through an open window, but there were none, and Friday wasn't going to be able to hear him. 

"Ow..." He groaned, standing up while rubbing his arm he landed on. 

He stopped and stared at the avengers who stared back. 

"Sorry about the window. I would offer to pay for it, but I don't have enough money for that. 

There was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightening. 

"Ah, Thor! Just who I was looking for!" Peter spoke, his voice cracking. He despised his voice whenever it cracked. 

"How old are you?" Natasha asked, her guard still up. 

"If I told you, wouldn't that sorta defeat the purpose of keeping a secret identity?"

"We're not asking you to tell us who you are, son. We just wanna know how old you are," pointed out Steve. 

"Yeah but you could figure out my identity somehow. You guys are superheroes after all," Peter countered. 

"Back to the window, why'd you break it?" Clint asked. 

"Oh yeah, my bad. I can't pay for it. Sorry." 

The avengers looked at each other as if to say, 'who is this guy?'

"Anyway, Thor, do you mind making it not rain, please?"

"That is not me Man of Spiders!" Thor boomed. 

"Oh shoot," Peter thought for a moment. "Can you tell Zeus to stop it?" 

Thor looked confused. 

"I'm assuming you're not in touch with Zeus, bye!" 

Peter jumped out the window, waiting till the last second to shoot a web and continue swinging away in the storm that did not stop. 


The end! 

Hope you enjoyed! 

Remember to drink enough water, and eat/sleep enough. I'm so proud of you and I love you. 

Have a good day/night!




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