~22~ Medicine

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K onto the story. 

Still the same day as the last couple. 


Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


Some medicines can be weirdly delicious. 

It may seem disgusting at first, but the strawberry flavored stuff actually become bearable and potentially tasty after having it every night for two weeks in a row. 

The worst was when the betrayal hit and the medicine was switched. Then it was this gross, slimy white liquid that tasted awful. 

If anyone were to be an expert on medicine, it would be Peter. He had had almost every medicine there was. (Obviously not, I'm simply exaggerating) 

When he was younger, he used to get sick quite frequently, resulting in lots of medicine that he hated. 

There was one medicine that he had to take where he demanded he get ice cream after to get rid of the taste. He wanted to sue whoever thought that medicine was tolerable. 

Obviously he doesn't go around accepting random medicine from different doctors because of his mutated blood. He learned his lesson a while ago. 

There was one time where he had a pet fish, who he named Floppy. It was very ironic since that was what Floppy did at the time of his death. He flopped around on the ground, unknown to Peter, or anyone else for that matter. Tragic. 

That had nothing to do with the story, just felt right. 

Moving on, Peter wondered if medicine would save Floppy, (Hey maybe it did have something to do with the story) so he put Floppy back in the fish tank and made his own concoction of shampoos and soaps to save Floppy. (Does anyone know the name of that one song that goes: "Someone/somebody who loved you wouldn't do this"? That's just what's stuck in my head at the moment)

It was too late though, seeing as Floppy had been dead for roughly 3 hours before they found the body. 

Good effort from Peter though. 

Sometimes medicine would make Peter really delusional. (Nvm I found the song it's called Family Line by Conan Gray) There was one time where Peter was on some medicine a doctor had prescribed to him, that made him tell everyone to go fuck a banana. Then he bought some bananas and threw them at people. 

Looking back he didn't think that was an actual doctor and that may have just been drugs. 

Maybe he made that who scenario up and just accidentally took some drugs he found in an alleyway next to a bloody knife. 

The life lesson here children is don't take medicine from strangers. If you do make sure to either turn it into the cops (if you're a good person) or turn around and sell it for more money (if you like making money fast) 


The end! 

(For legal purposes do not listen to me. If you find any drugs on the streets, leave them alone. Turn the other way. Or turn them in idk.)

Hope you enjoyed and didn't find this too weird. 

I'm so sorry I'm just a little tired. 

Love you and I'm very proud of you. Remember to drink enough water and eat/sleep enough. Bye!



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