Sorry for not updating for a while. I would say that I'll try to be more consistent with updating, but we all know that's a lie. This one isn't going to be the best, but that's because I haven't really done anything in a while.
Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
A little bit of a backstory first. Peter was raised to be a gentleman. He was always taught to treat everyone with respect. He has Aunt May to thank for that. However, he was most definitely not taught to treat women the way Flash would treat them. Flash would insult them anytime they didn't accept his offer to go on a date with him. So he insulted a lot of women. Peter couldn't stand that, so that was the only time he stood up to Flash. He could take all the taunts in the world, but he wasn't going to tolerate other people getting taunted by someone named Flash.
MJ didn't tolerate it either. Sometimes she would speak up before Peter even got the chance to comprehend what was being said.
One time, Flash called a girl flat because she didn't want to talk to him. MJ told him that if he ever called another women flat she shove him in front of a bus.
Somehow, all that scolding and shouting seemed to be working. Peter and MJ almost never heard Flash insult anyone when he got rejected. At least not while they were around.
Somehow, that didn't stop Flash from being a prick to Peter while MJ wasn't around. After school one day, Flash beat Peter up pretty bad after Flash got a bad grade on a math test. Talk about anger issues.
Unfortunately, today was one of the days where Peter had to go to the tower afterschool. Usually he can't wait, but this time he didn't want to show up with some fresh bruises. That would be a cause for concern and probably lead to a lot of questions. Plus Peter was pretty sure one of his ribs was broken.
Peter picked up his phone and examined the cracked screen. It wasn't too horrible. It was definitely pretty badly cracked, but it still worked. He opened the camera and flipped it around so he could look at his face. After a quick look, he decided it would be fine if he wore his hoodie and just told everyone he was cold.
The entire walk to the tower, he kept his head down low. He made sure to talk a long time getting there, even stopping for a snack along the way. He was hoping his increased healing factor would help the bruises fade quickly. He knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a try.
Peter even almost bought some concealer, but was only stopped by his brokeness. He probably shouldn't spend money on something he would never use again. He had just spent most of his money on food.
Just to stall some more, he wandered in and out of random stores and eventually came across a group of girls who were trying on clothes and wanted his opinion on the outfits. He spent about an hour rating their outfits. Eventually they dragged him with them to a dress shop. He spent another hour after that trying on dresses.
After that, Peter went on his way to the tower. He almost went with the girls to get his nails done, but was stopped by the texts he received from Tony. Apparently his phone had been buzzing, but he hadn't noticed. The most recent text was Tony threatening to track Peters location.
That was from 5 minutes ago. Shit. Peter did not want Tony tracking his location. He was frantically trying to reply to Tony but his phone chose then to stop working. Peter stared at his phone in disbelief. He had been betrayed by one he trusted most.
"Hey, kid! What're you doing out here and not at the tower? And what's with those bruises?"
Peter froze as he heard a voice he recognized very well. People passing by stopped to stare.
"Hey Mr. Stark! Funny story, actually!" Shoot , Peter think! What lie can he come up with quickly and still have it be believable?
Does he tell him about the girls who wanted him to rate their outfits? Does he lie and tell Tony someone almost kidnapped him? Or does he just scream and run away. It would look weird and probably get lots of attention from other people. If he pretended not to know Tony, maybe he wouldn't have to deal with explaining the random bruises.
'C'mon, I haven't been thinking for that long' Peter argued mentally with himself.
Tony raised his eyebrow. Peter had been silent for a little while. "Kid? You still with me?"
Peter chose the last option. He began screaming and threw his hands up in the air while making direct eye contact with Tony.
After he ran out of breathe, he stared at Tony's stunned expression for a couple more seconds. Then he screamed again, but this time started to run down the street.
"Jesus Christ-" Someone exclaimed when Peter ran past them.
What Peter didn't know was that the Avengers were moving in and Natasha had gone with Tony to meet Peter, since she had heard so much about him.
"That's the genius kid I've heard so much about?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. Tony was still in shock and didn't give her an answer.
The end!
I hope you enjoyed it! I'm super proud of you and I love you so so much! Remember to eat, sleep and drink enough! Also, take care of yourself! Do things that make you happy! I want you to name something you like about yourself, or just give yourself a compliment. You're super pretty (that includes any boys, the boys are pretty too)
Have a good day/evening/night!

Avengers + their spiderson one-shots
FanfictionJust some one-shots of the avengers with their spiderson. I really suck at descriptions and don't know what else to say. Enjoy!