Hi! Hope everyone's doing good.
I'm doing really good.
Quick question, how would you respond if one of your friends were to shut off a light while you were working on something.
Cause one of my friends did that and I wasn't in the room but I was helping cover up for that friend, and she did it a second time and they caught her. But two friends laughed it off, the said it was funny and they didn't mind. Another friend got really mad. She told us to go die. Not for the first time that day either.
Thanks for listening to my little story
Also I know nothing about ballet (I would like to try it sometime though), so sorry if this is wrong and Aunt May is on vacation cause I don't really feel like killing her at the moment.
Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
Peters POV:
Peter loved ballet.
However, he hid it from the Avengers cause he was worried they might make fun of him. He was doing a pretty good job of it too.
Yes, sometimes people with make fun of other people and have no mean intentions, but it can be discouraging. So he always lied and said he was going to Ned's house whenever he would leave for ballet. He had done it since he was 5, but he got teased by (guess who) Flash Thompson. So he started doing ballet in secret.
He hated sneaking around so often, but for some reason, he couldn't seem to gather the courage to tell any of the Avengers.
So of course, he was just waiting for the perfect chance.
That chance came about a week later when he walked past the gym really early and saw Natasha dancing. Quietly, he decided to take a seat and watch.
At the end of the performance, Natasha turned to Peter. (She knew he was there the entire time because she's Natasha) "Здравствуй, паучок" Hello baby spider (I'm sorry if this isn't accurate, I'm using google translate) "привет мама паук" Hi mama spider.
"So, would you like to join me, or are you just going to watch?" She asked, switching to English.
"Well, uh- I don't know how to dance, ya know?" Peter nervously stuttered.
"But you're always so good at your ballet practices," Crap. She knows.
He sighed. "Fine."
Peter was a really quick learner. Natasha only had to show him a portion of the dance 3 times each. He finished just in time for the rest of the team to watch, unknown to him.
By the time he finished his performance, the Avengers were all in shock. They all knew that he did ballet, it was quite obvious. After all, who leaves to go to their friends house 2 times a week, the exact same times. Always there from 6:30-8:00 on Tuesdays and Fridays. What really gave it away was the fact that half the time Ned wasn't even at home when Peter would supposedly go over.
But they didn't know he was that good. They had thought it was just a little extra fun thing for him to do, and that he didn't take it all too seriously. "Wow kid, you have some great balance, I'm surprised. It's impressive, really.
"But honestly, I'm a little hurt that you never really thought to tell me you were so good at ballet."
Peter slowly turned around, almost afraid to see the Avengers there. It wasn't like he had done anything wrong, he just didn't want them finding out. It was comical how large his eyes became.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I have horrible balance." Almost as though proving his point, he tripped over his feet and fell backwards while trying to back away.
"Hey kid, it's ok to do ballet, none of us are going to make fun of you for it," Tony reassured him.
Well, as long as they weren't making fun of him, it would be fine. Plus now he could stop sneaking around all the time. He was beginning to feel bad, but at the same time he was shocked they hadn't noticed the specific times when he would tell them he was going over to Ned's house. He thought for sure he would be caught when they realized that half the time Ned wasn't even home. He must be a really good liar.
"I'm sorry for sneaking around and lying to you guys," Peter apologized.
"We already knew," Bucky cut in. "You already knew? How!? I was so careful!"
"You may have been careful but you're a really horrible liar. Especially when Ned has been on vacation for the last 2 weeks." Clint pointed out.
Well, he thought he had done good at hiding it. It's the thought that counts, right?
-Time skip!-
Around a month had passed, and he would practice ballet with Natasha every morning. It became a thing that they just started doing. They never planned it, they just decided to.
But anyway, Natasha's pointe shoes were breaking. They were uncomfortable for her, plus they just weren't all that good anymore in general.
So Peter saved up enough money to get his Mama Spider some new pointe shoes. He could have asked Tony, but it wouldn't have been the same. He had to earn the money.
"Hey мама паук"
"Здравствуй, паучок"
"I got you a present!"
Natasha walked over to Peter. "You don't have to get me anything паучок. Just practicing ballet here with me is enough."
Peter handed her the carefully wrapped present. He tried his best to wrap it, but his best was pretty bad.
The paper just wouldn't wrap properly, and he couldn't put the tape on, so he ended up webbing it just a little bit. Natasha chuckled at the poor wrapping job. After about 5 minutes, she got it unwrapped.
Her eyes were starting to tear up.
"What's wrong? Look, I understand if you hate them, I can take them back! I'll give you the money! I still have time to return them! I'm sorry-"
Natasha cut him off. "I love them. Thank you."
With that reassurance, Peter relaxed. "Oh, you're welcome."
She gave him a hug. "From now on, you have to call me Auntie Tasha"
The end! Remember to take care of yourself, drink enough water and get enough sleep. Sorry for the crappy writing, but if you read through the entire thing, I love you. I love you even if you didn't read through the entire thing.

Avengers + their spiderson one-shots
FanfictionJust some one-shots of the avengers with their spiderson. I really suck at descriptions and don't know what else to say. Enjoy!