~33~ Melted

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Hey! Sorry I didn't upload on time I just got sick and didn't have the will to do anything but lay down and watch tv. I think I watched 3 movies, plenty of Ms. Marvel, finished the newest episode of Loki, watched 5 episodes of fuller house and I watched some Prank Encounters .

I'll be working on getting caught up but I'm not sure how long that's going to take.

Please ignore any typos, I'm using my phone to write this since I don't have the energy to go to my laptop

TW: I guess someone gets set on fire and there's mentions of house fires and people burning.

Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


It was tragic whenever things melted. Most of the time. Sometimes it was good, but sometimes it was bad.

It's like how slightly melted ice cream tasted delicious when you swirl it around in your bowl.

Candles melting would usually leave a good smell, so that was a pro.

A con about candles is that sometimes, if used incorrectly (or correctly, depends on how you like to use them) can lead to house melting.

Of course, houses melting doesn't always mean that the people inside the house are going to melt.

It definitely raises the chances of the house starts melting in the middle of the night.

Spooder-Man never meant to cause the screams as they burned. All he wanted to do was help, but no one wanted him to help.

Now, don't get Spooder-Man mixed up with Spider-Man. Even though they have similar names, and similar intentions, they are very different.

For example, one starts fires while the other saved the people from melting. Take a guess as to who does what.

Spider-Man was sick of people always confusing him with Spooder-Man, so one day, after Peter saved a couple children from a fire caused by Spooder-Man, he decided to approach the creature to see what he wanted.

"Hey man! Why do you keep setting all these buildings on fire? It's very illegal, y'know"

Spooder-Man turned to look at Spider-Man.

"I never meant too"

"Well, is it possible for you to go back to your dimension? Cause you sure weren't here until a month ago," Peter tried the peaceful approach.

"They banned me."

"Look, I'm really sorry that happened, but soon Dr. Strange is going to be banning you from our dimension."

"He won't be able to if he's melted!" Spooder-Man laughed sinisterly before attempting to swing away.

I say attempted because he immediately crashed into  a window. Peter immediately webbed him up and took out his phone to call Dr. Strange.

"So sir, I need you to get rid of this Spooder-Man guy, he's been setting fires everywhere and I really don't want to kill h-"

Peter was cut off by a scream leaving his mouth as a blistering pain covered him.


"Not. Cool" Peter managed to groan out before flipping electrocuting Spooder-Man.

Fire seemed to follow Spooder-Man where ever he went, whether it was good or bad, most of the time he didn't know.

He did know this time though. It was definitely bad. It was like the shock was enough to light a spark that turned into a flame.

Now Spooder-Man was the one screaming out in pain as he felt his skin melt off.

He began begging for someone to kill him faster, unaware that Peter had already left for the nearest lake.

Spooder-Man died alone on a rooftop. Once he was found, they tried to unmask him to see who he might've been, but his body was burned beyond repair.

Peter watched the news report on Spooder-Man while eating his partly melted ice cream.

Hope you enjoyed!

I think that might be all I'm getting done tonight, sorry.

Anyway, remember to eat/drink/sleep enough
I'm so proud of you and I hope you have a good day/night/evening

I love you so so much!



(Idk what day it is anymore)

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