Chapter 1 - Part 4

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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Harry's Country House

Buxton, Derbyshire

1.50pm. Installation day...

Louis turns his beat-up Toyota Corolla off the country road and onto the winding driveway as instructed by the maps app on his phone. He's early, but not desperately so, the clock on his dash reading 1.50pm, only ten minutes before the agreed time as negotiated by Annabelle.

His fingers grip the wheel tightly, palms sweating and eyes darting around to take in the scenery as he steers the car over a small wooden bridge with a gently running brook beneath. The house reveals itself on the left; three storeys of sandstone coloured brick with grey grout and white window frames, chimney stacks rising up high from the sharply peaked slate roof, and bay windows jutting out from the ground floor. The gravel drive opens out to a large courtyard, another single-storey building in front that he guesses would once have been stables constructed from the same sandstone bricks. Mature trees flank the buildings, garden beds filled with rose bushes butted up against the exterior walls. It's grand, but not ostentatiously so, and Louis likes it immediately.

There's a black Range Rover parked on the far side of the courtyard and Louis pulls up alongside. His tiny car is dwarfed by the shiny beast as the afternoon sun glints off the paintwork and tinted glass.

He shuts off the engine and is just taking his keys out of the ignition as something heavy thuds on his roof and he nearly jumps out of his skin. "Holy fuck!"

Louis' too afraid to open his door, frozen in place as his heart beats out of his chest.

"Giselle!" A panicked and slightly muffled shout comes from outside, heavy footsteps in the gravel pounding closer. "Giselle. Get off there!"

A black cat jumps down onto his bonnet, scaring the shit out of Louis, tail swishing as the creature looks over its shoulder and glares at him. Then, with what Louis can only interpret as a huff of indignation, Giselle, he presumes, swaggers her way to the front of the bonnet, off his car, and onto the ground.

Louis' nerves are already frayed, so when a figure appears at the drivers-side window, he startles, gasps out a 'Jesus Christ', and practically dives into the passenger's seat, hand pressed against his chest and eyes bugging out of his head.

The figure leans down, peering in through the window, an apologetic grimace on his beautiful face. Good lord. Louis has seen Harry Styles on screen and in enough pictures to know exactly how gorgeous he is, of course, but in the flesh the man really is truly stunning.

"Hi," Harry greets, waving and then pursing his lips apologetically as he steps back.

"H-hi," Louis stammers out as he sits up straight, wrangling his mouth in a tight-lipped smile as he takes his keys out of the ignition with shaky hands. He goes to unbuckle his seatbelt but doesn't even get the chance before the driver's door is being wrenched open and he freezes again.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. She's a bloody menace and I heard you drive up and knew she'd jump on your roof because she was sitting on my car earlier and I'm just- shit," Harry babbles and then steps forward, his crotch coming dangerously close to Louis' face before he drops into a crouch. "She just likes to sun herself on the roof and she's so bloody nosy. No fear, that one. She doesn't mean any harm though, I promise, but she might've..." Harry stands back up, thrusting his dick into Louis' field of vision, yet again, giving him an absolute eye-full as he leans against the side of the door, tapping on the roof. "I don't think she left any marks or anything. She's very gentle. Light as a feather, really. But like, if she did, then I'll definitely cover any damages."

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