Chapter 2 - Part 33

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Monday, April 18, 2022

The Dining Room

Pandanus Palms Retreat

Pandanus Island

10.15pm. Sweating bullets...

Harry's always been good with people, able to read a room and use his charms to win over those he's got in his sights. So the fact that he's more nervous than he's ever been in his life is a testament to the unforgiving nature of the crowd that is surrounding him right now.

Dinner itself had been relatively civilised, as was Niall's desire, with most of the guests initially frosty, but not outwardly hostile. The group had been the eclectic mix of the permanent residents at the retreat along with Niall, Liam, and Zayn, and it was fascinating for Harry to meet all of the people who have played such an important part of Louis settling into life on the island.

As Harry had talked to them all, engaging with them and watching as the frostiness melted away, he'd found himself relaxing too, genuinely enjoying getting to know them all, their backgrounds, and their individual relationships with Louis.

Becky from Australia, one of the residents, had appointed herself to the role of hostess for the evening, and had fussed about like a Mother Hen while she quizzed Harry about his intentions with her 'favourite boy', as she fondly referred to Louis. He was able to earn plenty of brownie points though, waxing lyrical about Louis and how they'd come to fall in love.

Penny from LA was a harder sell. A no nonsense woman around Harry's age, with a sharp tongue and quick wit. She gave him hell for a while, that is until they discovered that they favoured the same, hole-in-the-wall juice place back in LA. Penny then proceeded to whip up an admirably close copy of one of their famous Berry Schmerry smoothies, and Harry's genuine moans and groans as he practically inhaled it had earned him her approval.

Danny and Jimbo, twin brothers from New Zealand, were slightly more laid back, sharing hilarious anecdotes about Louis' time on the island and how Louis had assigned all of the residents, including Liam and Zayn, nicknames; Li, Z, Bee, Little P, Big D, and Jimbo.

He was amazed at how easily they all navigated this world given their conditions, and he was intrigued to hear how they were all able to actively engage in creative pursuits without the challenges becoming overwhelming.

As the night had progressed, it also became easier to understand how Louis had found a home and a family here. It's been a somewhat reluctant realisation for Harry, but as the undeniable evidence has mounted, he feels like it's also shaping an altered image of Louis in his mind. Louis has already slotted himself into this life and, by all accounts, is thriving, and immersing himself completely. It doesn't sit entirely well with Harry though, as he worries that trying to remove Louis from this place he's embedded himself into is going to be even more difficult than he'd envisioned.

Dinner is now finished and the other residents have retired to their villas, leaving just Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry at the large table in the emptied out dining room. To say that it feels like somewhere between a job interview and the Spanish Inquisition, with Zayn presiding, wouldn't be overstating the situation.

The interrogation panel are lined up on one side, with Niall and Liam flanking Zayn, and Harry alone on the other side of the table. He fidgets with his rings, as he's prone to do when he's trying to calm his nerves. It's just that he knows how important this is. If he doesn't do well and if he can't win them over, then his chances of getting to see Louis without extreme measures–which he has no viable plan for–will hit a significant roadblock.

Niall cracks open a fresh bottle of red and refills everyone's glasses. Harry's been careful not to drink too much so he can remain clear-headed for what's to come, but he takes a decent sip to calm his nerves anyway.

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