Tommy's secret sister.

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I was just in my room singing along to my favourite song when Tommy called my name. "Y/N!!!!" What did I do this time? I went into his bedroom. "what?" I asked. Tommy was on VC.
W-Who's this?
Tu-Ooo Tommy has a girlfriend.
D-Tommy who is she??
G-she looks nice.
"Wtf. I ain't his girlfriend and I'm his lil sis." I said. "Tommy who are these people?" I asked him.
"Dream,George,Wilbur and Tubbo." Tommy said. "Alright nice, why did you call me in the first place?" I asked and sat on his bed. "Because your music was too loud." Tommy said. "Nice." I said. "Get out." Tommy said. I then got out and went back into my room and put my music on full blast. "Y/N TURN THAT BULLSHIT OFF!" Tommy shouted. "MAKE ME!!!" I shouted back. Tommy then burst into my room. Ah shit. He hit me. "You fucking prick." I said and kicked him in the nuts. I then ran into his bedroom and locked the door.
G-umm what're you doing?
"I kicked Tommy in the nuts and now he's pisses so I'm locking myself in his room." I replied. "Y/N OPEN MY FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Tommy shouted. "ONLY IF YOU PROMISE NOT TO HURT ME!" I screamed back. "JUST LEMME INTO MY ROOM! MY FRIENDS COMING ROUND!" He shouted. "Aww what a shame guess you and your imaginary friend will have to hang out downstairs." I said. ~knock knock~ "YOU BETTER HAVE LEFT MY ROOM WHEN I COME BACK!" Tommy screamed and answered the front door. Tommy and his friend came upstairs. "Y/nnnnnn open my door pls." Tommy said with a whiny tone. "Nahhh." I said. The door swung open. "What.The.Fuck." I said. Tommy and his friend walked into the room. "Your not very strong yk." Tommy's mate said. "Bish I don't give a fuck." I said, "Also who are you?" I asked. "My name's Tubbo." He said. Ohh so this is Tubbo. "Alright cool." I said and left the room. I got into the shower. I heard my bedroom door open. I finished with my shower and got changed in my bathroom. I came outa the bathroom and looked for my phone since it wasn't where I'd left it. I couldn't find it anywhere in my room. "TOMMY WHERE'S MY PHONE!?!?!" I shouted. "I HAVE IT!!" Tubbo replied. This bitch. I stormed into Tommy's room. "Why do you have my phone?" I asked them. "Because we wanted to call your bsf Katie." Tommy said. "Alright, but why?" I asked. "Because we wanted to know what she thinks of me." Tubbo replied. "Okey, gimme my phone back." I said. "Fine." Tubbo said and gave me my phone. I went into my bedroom and laid down on my bed. I fell asleep.

Authors note: I hope you enjoy this story. I will be a bit slow adding chapters bc I've got another story that I still need to finish.

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