The Kiss.

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The next day. I woke up and called Tyler and Katie.

Y-heyy guys.
T-heyy y/n.
K-YOU KISSED TUBBO!! Girl I am so happy for you!!!!
Y-woah, chill out. We just kissed that's it we aren't a couple.
T-Y/n and Tubbo sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.
Y-Shut the fuck up Tyler. At least I have a boyfriend. I don't see
you with a girlfriend so I'm better than you.
T-Thought you said that you and Tubbo weren't a couple.
Y-Oh shut up.
K-Soooo when's the marriage bestie??
Y-MARRIGE? Jesus girl, I'm only 18 and he's only 19.
K-So? Yous can still get married yk.
T-sorry to interrupt but I gotta go, I have to get on the bus for school now.
K-alright cya in a few.
Y-k cya.
K-When you two have a baby can I be the godmother?
Y-You mean IF we have a child.
K-No, I mean WHEN you two have a child.
Y-Me and Tubbo will NEVER have a child together.
K-mhm totally. I gotta go the bus is here cya.
Y-alright cya.
She then hung up. "Hey y/n, can we talk about yesterday?" Tubbo asked as he came into my room. Oh god. I was no where near ready to talk about the kiss yet. "Umm yeah sure, what about yesterday?" I said anxiously. "The um kiss." Tubbo said as he sat down beside me on my bed. "Oh. Yeah we can talk about it. What about it do you wanna talk about?" I replied. "So do you actually have a crush on me? Do you really wanna be my girlfriend? Did I make you fell uncomfortable when I pinned you to the wall and kissed you? If you don't wanna be a couple can we still be friends?" Tubbo said. "Okay, 1:Yes I do really have a crush on you, 2: I'm not completely sure but it's mainly a yes, 3: no you didn't make me feel uncomfortable and 4: yes sure." I replied. "Okey, can I ask you smth?" Tubbo asked. At this point my heart was racing. "Um y-yeah sure." I replied. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Tubbo asked. Odndgksihsjdhkd WHAT! Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? I must be going crazy. Right? Right!? "Yes! A million times yes!" I screamed. He then leaned in and kissed me.

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