Moving Away.

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The next day. Tommy yanked the blanket off of me and pulled me out my bed by my legs. "what the fuck?" I whined. "Explain those bruises." Tommy said. Ah shit. "Lemme get changed first. I said. "Fine." He replied and went back downstairs.
I got changed into this:

I got changed into this:

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I then went downstairs. As I walked into the living room I saw Jessica and Tubbo sitting on the sofa too. I had remembered what Jessica made me promise to her yesterday. "Sit." Tommy said demandingly. I sat down. "I have 3 questions for you. 1: what happened to your face, 2: do you still like Tubbo?, 3:Are you actually dating Tyler?" Tommy asked. "Okay 1:Me and Katie were play fighting and I bashed my head off of her Woden bed, 2: I hate Tubbo now and I want nothing to do with him and 4: Me and Tyler aren't dating he was just pretending to date me so we could make Tubbo jealous but I gave up bc he's happy with Jessica now." I replied. "Oh also ima move out bc Tubbo is here everyday to stream or make a video or just to hang with you Tommy and I don't wanna be around him. And I hate him so yk." I said. "You hate me?" Tubbo asked, tears forming in his eyes. I didn't wanna make Tubbo upset but I also didn't wanna get hurt by Jessica again. "Correct. I don't wanna ever see you again." I said and then slapped him. He was now crying. He didn't hurt me back or shout, he just flinched. I ran upstairs and called Katie.
Y-Okay so basically I just hit Tubbo and I don't want anything to do with him anymore.
K-Woah slow do- you what now.
Y-Yeah and I told Tommy, Jessica and Tubbo that me and Tyler weren't actually dating we were just pretending to date to make Tubbo jealous.
K-okay th- YOU DID WHAT?
Y-I'm sorry.
K-hey it's fine don't be sorry.
Y-okay. Can I come live with you?
K-I mean yeah if you wanna live with Tyler too.
Y-On second thoughts, I'll live else where.
K-haha okay. I gtg soz. She then hung up. I went onto the old Dsmp gc to ask 'em smth.
Hey guys I gotta ask y'all smth.

What is it?



Okay what is it?

Can I live with any of u?

I barely know u so it's a no from me soz.


If it's fine with sap and dream the u can live with us.

Fine by me.

It's fine just as long as she doesn't take my room.

Tysm guys! Don't worry sap I won't take ur room.

I stared to pack my clothes and personal belongings into my suitcase that I was gonna bring with me. It took me 2 and a half hours to pack all my things. I dragged my suitcase downstairs and gave Tommy a hug. "Will you call me still?" Tommy asked. "Yea I will dummie. I got into my car and drove to Dream's house....

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