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A  few days later. I was just chilling in my room scrolling through TikTok ,since I was bored, when I heard a knock at the door. I went downstairs and opened the front door and saw Jessica and her friend Peyton standing there. "What're you two doing here?" I asked. "I'm here to see my boyfriend Tubbo and Peyton wanted to come with me." Jessica said with a smirk. "You do know that Tubbo doesn't live here right?" I asked. "Yes I know that, he's hanging out with you stupid brother in his room." Jessica said and then pushed past me and went into the house. "Bitch." I mumbled under my breath. I followed Jess and Peyton upstairs as I was gonna go back to my room. "Hubby!" Jessica screamed as she hugged Tubbo. "WHORE!" I shouted from my room. "CHEATER!" Jessica screamed back. Chat- Omg Y/n cheated?? That bitch. Tubbo didn't deserve that. "Wtf I didn't cheat on him." I said. "Yes you did stop lying. "Tommy, Tubbo say something!" I screamed. "Y/n is telling the truth Jessica, she didn't cheat." Tubbo said. "See." I said and went back to my room. I got changed into this:

I grabbed my bag and put some snacks and a flashlight in it and I grabbed a hoodie

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I grabbed my bag and put some snacks and a flashlight in it and I grabbed a hoodie. This is the hoodie:

"I'M GOING TO THE WOODS FOR A WALK!" I shouted as I left the house

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"I'M GOING TO THE WOODS FOR A WALK!" I shouted as I left the house. I walked around for a little while and then it got dark. As I was looking through my bad trying to find my flashlight I felt someone grab shoulders. I went to turn around but before I could everything went black....
                  ~Time skip~
I woke up in a dark room and I began calling for help; "HELP!!! PLEASE SOMEONE ANYONE HELP!" No reply. I screamed again. There was no reply again but instead I heard a door open and saw someone walking towards me. "Hello Y/n." Jessica said with a evil grin. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I exclaimed. "Nothing, I'll let you leave once you promise to stay away from Tubbo." She said. "Who Tf do you think you are? You can't make me stay away from Tubbo." I said. She then punched me in the face. I felt dizzy and my face was stinging. "I'll ask you again, will you stay away from Tubbo?" She asked. "Yes." I said through gritted teeth. She dragged me outa her house and back to the woods. "You can find your own way back." Jessica said and then left. It was pitch black outside and I couldn't see a thing. I still had my bag on so I took it off and scrummaged through my bag looking for my flashlight. Eventually I found it and started to walk back. It took me an hour to get back home. I walked inside the house quietly. "Where were you?" Tommy asked as he hugged me tightly. I had to lie. "I went to Katie's for a bit, my phone died and I didn't bring a charger and me and Katie have different phone chargers so I couldn't charge me phone up." I said. "Okay." Tommy said and let go of me. I went upstairs to my room. Im surprised Tommy didn't ask about the dried blood or the bruises on my face from where Jessica had hit me. I went to my bathroom and looked in my mirror to see what my face looked like now.
This is what it looked like:

How didn't he see the bruises and dried blood? Maybe he did but just didn't wanna ask how I got 'em

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How didn't he see the bruises and dried blood? Maybe he did but just didn't wanna ask how I got 'em. I got changed into my pj's:

I turned on my TV and watched some stranger things for a while, I fell asleep while I was watching it

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I turned on my TV and watched some stranger things for a while, I fell asleep while I was watching it.

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