Truth or Dare Stream.

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Continuing from where I left of last chapter. Great. So I have to share a bedroom with Tubbo. I may as well see what the room looks like. "Where is the bedroom?" I asked. "Follow me." Tubbo said and grabbed my hand and led me to our room.
This is our room:

It looks amazing, the only problem is that there's only one bed

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It looks amazing, the only problem is that there's only one bed. It's a double bed but that means- no not happening. "Do we have any blow up beds?" I asked? "No, why?" Ranboo asked. "Because I don't rlly wanna share a bed with a boy, no offence Tubbo." I replied. Tubbo laughed and said; "None taken." Looks like I gotta share a bed with Tubbo. Me and Tubbo went back into the area where the others were. I sat down at a table and went onto TikTok. A few hours went by and nobody has spoken. I was bored and went off TikTok. "Let's do something." I said. "Wait, I gotta do go and do a stream." Tubbo said and went to our room. "Um okay." I said. Tubbo began streaming. "Hey guys, wassup I'm on a road trip with Ranboo,Wilbur,Tommy and Tommy's lil sis." Tubbo said to the chat. Chat- omg who is Tommy's lil sis??? What does she look like?? What's her name??? Can we see her??? "Y/N COME HERE, CHAT WANTS TO SEE YOU!" Tubbo shouted. I came into our room and sat beside him. "Hi guys, my name's Y/n I'm 18 and I'm Tommy's lil sis." I said. Chat- omg hiiiiii!!! She's beautiful!! Stunning 🤩!! Gorgeous! "Thx for the compliments guys." I said with a smile. Chat- can y'all play truth or dare??? Omg yassss pls play truth or dare!!
"Alright, we'll play truth or dare." I said. Chat-omg Ty Ty!!! Can you play it with everyone???? Omg yass play it with everyone!! "Everyone can play but Wilbur since he's driving." I said. Chat- alright cool. Tubbo truth or dare. "Dare." Tubbo said. Chat- We dare you to text somebody; I heard a rumour about you and then don't message them back. "Ah fuck, alright I'll do it. Let's see, ahh ima message George." Tubbo said.
Hey gogs, I heard a rumour abt you.

Wait srrly?? What was it abt??

Tubbo reply!!
I stared to laugh. "Omg George is probably rlly scared rn." I said and laughed. Chat- y/n we dare you to spill a juicy secret. "Why? Just why? Did y'all srrly have to expose me like this." I said and laughed nervously. I have many secrets but only one of 'em would be classed as a 'juicy secret'. "So Y/n what's the secret?" Tubbo asked teasingly. "Okey, well I have a crush on somebody." I said. "Wait who!?" Tubbo asked. "I'm not telling you that. I said with a smirk. "But you have to, it's apart of the dare." Tubbo said. "No it's not, the dare was to spill my juiciest secret. It never said I had to tell the whole thing." I replied. Chat- she has a point. We wanna give Ranboo a dare next. "Alright let's go give Ranboo a dare." I said and grabbed the camera bringing it into the living area where Ranboo and the others were. "Ranboo, chat wants to dare you to so smth." I said. "Alright, what is it?" Ranboo asked. Chat-we dare you to take your mask off. Ranboo looked down. I got pissed at that question. "No! He won't be doing that! Are you fucking stupid or smth!? Ranboo will take off his mask when he's ready." I said with a pissed off tone. Chat- urgh you're so boring Y/n. He was abt to take off his mask. "Stop being a stuck up little bitch just bc Ranboo won't take off his mask." I said. "Oh and you can all die in fucking hell you pieces of shit." I said while flipping the chat off. "Y/n you can't say that." Ranboo said. "I know, but I wasn't just gonna let 'em be mean and make you take of your mask when you're not ready to take it off yet." I replied and went to mine and Tubbo's room. Tubbo ended the live stream and came into our room to give me my dinner. "Hey Y/n here's ya dinner." he said as he handed it to me. "Thx Tubb's." I said as I took my plate off of him. He left the room and I ate. I finished my food and brought the plate to the kitchen part of the caravan and washed my dish. It was around 01:15am by now so I was pretty tired. "I'm going to bed guys." I said and went back to the bedroom. I got changed into my Pj's, put my phone on charge and got into bed. Tubbo came in. "Hey Y/n I'm going to bed now." He said and got into bed. I moved up against the wall as much as I could. I then lied down and fell asleep.

Authors note: I hope y'all are enjoying the story.

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