Revenge Plan.

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3 weeks after the last chapter was set. I was in the middle of streaming myself playing Security Breach when I got a call from a No caller ID:

 I was in the middle of streaming myself playing Security Breach when I got a call from a No caller ID:

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I decided to answer it bc why not.
Y-Hello who is this?
Tu-hey it's me Tubbo.
I immediately hung up. Chat- why did you hang up??? What happened between you two????? Did you two brake up?? Did one of you cheat?? "I'm not answering those questions chat." I said. Chat-okay. Fine ig. I continued playing Security Breach for an hour and a half and then ended my stream bc I was getting bored. I decided to call Katie and Tyler.
Y-Heyyy guys.
K-Heyyy bestie! Me and Ty got smth  to tell ya.
Y-Okay..... what is it???
T-So basically, me and Katie are dating. Ik with they way things have been recently that this isn't the best news for you to hear but we just thought that you should know since we've been dating in secret for 3 months.
Y-OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR U TWO!! When's the marriage? When're you two having kids? And will I be the godmother??
K-We will NEVER get married and we'll probs have kids when we're wayyyyy older and yes girly you'll be the godmother of our children.
T-So hold up, we'll be having children but we won't get married?
T-Ummm okay then. I have smth to say.
K-What is it.
T-So yk how Tubbo cheated and made Y/n upset for ages. I think Ik how she can make him jealous.
K-Say it NOW.
T-So she could date Wilbur. Or if it's okay with you Katie I could pretend to be her bf.
Y-I'll ask Wilbur if he'll pretend to date me, if he says no then Tyler will have to pretend.
K-Okay, I'm fine with that just no kissing unless it's an emergency and you kinda have to.
Y-Okay, ima go message Wilbur. I'll be back in 5 mins.
I then hung up and messaged Wilbur.
Heyyyy Wilbur, can u do me a favour????

Depends, what's the favour?

Can u pretend to date me to make Someone jealous?

Y/n, I know what happened between you and Tubbo and  I'm not getting involved with that so you can ask someone else to pretend to date ya.

Fineee.Promise not to tell Tubbo or anyone else that I asked you to do this?

I promise.
I joined the call again.
Y-I'm back.
T-What did he say?
K-Yh wut did he say??
Y-He said he didn't wanna get involved so I have to ask someone else. Tylerrrrr.
T-Yh I'll do it.
K-Tyler, ima head to the restaurant so you need to get there soon. Ima go cya.
T-okay I'll be there soon. I gotta go Y/n cya.
Y-cya ppl.
I then hung up. And went downstairs to make a sandwich.. I saw Tubbo in the kitchen talking to Tommy. I grabbed the bread,ham and lettuce outa the fridge and cupboard. And went to grab a plate but Tubbo was in the way. "Tubbo can you move please." I asked. He didn't reply but he moved outa my way. I made my sandwich and went back to my room. I still loved Tubbo which made me sick to the bone.
I decided to watch Stranger things for a little while.
         ~a few hours later~
I heard a knock at my door and opened it. It was Tubbo. "What do you want?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "I just came to ask if we could be friends again." He replied. "I'll politely decline." I said with a pissed tone. I then went to shut the door but Tubbo put his foot in the door and grabbed my arm. "Y/n please, I know you think I kissed her but I didn't." He said. "I don't care, let go off me." I replied. He came into my room and locked my door which made me worry. "W-what're you doing?" I asked. I was sweating. "I just wanna talk." He replied. "Okay, you have 5 minutes." I said. "Listen, Jessica kissed me and I tried to push her off but I couldn't. I loved you. I still do. I understand if you don't wanna be my girlfriend again but I wanna be friends." He said. I had two choices here, I could either forgive him or I could play out my revenge. "Listen, I understand that you're sorry but my new boyfriend wouldn't be okay with me being friends with my ex so yk." I replied. "Oh. Umm who's your new boyfriend?" He asked. He sounded as if he was about to cry. "Tyler. Yk my boy bsf." I replied. "Oh. Okay well um I'll leave you be." He replied and then left. Not gonna lie I felt bad for making Tubbo upset but it also felt sooo good since I'd kinda got my revenge in a way.

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