Karma Can Go Two Ways.

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The next day. I called Tyler and
K-Wassup girly!
K-Why'd you call?
Y-Okay so basically I started my revenge on Tubbo and I'm kinda like feeling a bit bad because I made him upset but like it feels so good because I'm getting revenge you know what I mean. And I called you to see what you guys were doing.
K-Damn. Wait you've already started the revenge plan???
Y-Girl,chill tf out.
K-I am chill.
T-mhm totally.
Y-Anyways, ima film a stream so you two can watch if you wanna.
K-Okay cool. What's the stream gonna be abt? Like what're you gonna do in it?
Y-I was gonna react to some edits and videos.
K-lol okay cool.
Y-Ima go cya.
I then hung up and started the stream. "Wassup chat, tday I was gonna react to some Qsmp edits." I said. Chat-cool! Will you be reacting to any Wilbur and Talluah edits or videos? Will you be reacting to any dnf edits?
"Yes I will be reacting to dnf and Wilbur 'n' Talluah." I replied to the chat. I picked 7 Qsmp edits, 12 dnf edits and 24 Wilbur 'n' Talluah edits.
The first edit/video was abt techno which made me cry a little.
Chat-We miss him so much. May his soul rest is peace.
R.I.P king.
I clicked onto the next edit and it was a Wilbur 'n' Talluah one. It was so freaking adorable. "Awww they're so damn cute." I said. Chat-You need to meet Talluah. PLS MEET TALLUAH!
"Chat, listen; I would meet Talluah but I'd need to ask Wilbur if I could since he's her dad and I'd need to find the time to do that since I'm busy with my college work at the minute." I replied. Chat-Ohhhh okey. Alright fine ig. Okay.
I clicked on the next video and it was a dnf one. In the video Dream tried to kiss George. "Umm I-um. I'm sorry, but he's like tried to kiss George and George has decided!? No offence to either of 'em I'm joking around." I said. "SIS COME HERE!" Tommy shouted from downstairs. "I CAN'T I'M STREAMING RN!" I shouted back. "I DON'T CARE! JUST COME HERE REAL QUICK!" Tommy shouted. "Alright chat I gtg but I'll be back in 5." I said and put this screen on:

I went downstairs and saw Jessica holding Tubbo's hand

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I went downstairs and saw Jessica holding Tubbo's hand. That made me furious. "What's she doing here?" I asked annoyed. "She's my girlfriend." Tubbo said. Girlfriend? Had he seriously moved on that quick? "So you've just forgiven him and now you're letting Jessica in the house?" I asked Tommy. "Sis, Jessica kissed a Tubbo and he tried to push her off. And you've moved on from Tubbo so he's moved on too." Tommy said. "So!? That doesn't mean Jessica can be in the house!" I screamed at him. "Ik but she's actually pretty nice when ya get to know her." Tommy said. "Fuck you." I said and went back to my room. "Chat, I'm sorry but I'm gonna end stream here since someone had just ruined my mood completely." I said and then ended stream. I immediately called Tyler and Katie.
Y-Help. Tubbo is dating Jessica.
K-Get me a shovel, gloves, flashlight and we'll be set.
Y-Katie, you can't kill him.
K-Yes I can.
T-No you cannot.
K-urgh fine😒.
T-We'll just have to make him jealous. How 'bout I come round to yours Y/n and we can make him jealous?
Y-Sounds like a plan.
T-We know. Ima hang up and get changed then I'll come.
Tyler then left the call and it was just me and Katie.
K-You sure I can't kill Jessica and Tubbo?
Y-Yes! I'm sure.
K-Alright then. Listen I gtg. I've gotta help my lil sis with smth cya.
Y-Sad, cya.
She then hug up. 5 minutes later Tyler arrived at my house. "SIS SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YA!" Tommy shouted from downstairs. I went downstairs and saw that Tommy,Tubbo,Jessica and Amsiey were streaming. I opened the front door. "Hey babe." I said to Tyler and let him into the house. "Hey bby." Tyler said and we went to go upstairs. "Oh no you don't. You have a boy round so you can stay downstairs." Tommy said. I was kinda annoyed at this but at the same time I was happy since it met me and Tyler could make Tubbo jealous. "I'm literally 18. I can have a boy in my room." I replied. "No you can't." Tommy said. I didn't wanna argue back so I just took Tyler's arm and led him to the sofa where we sat down. Me and him talked for a while and then Tyler whispered in my ear; "Tubbo is staring at us."
I didn't know what to do so I just kissed Tyler. I let go immediately. "You couldn't of done that else where?" Tubbo said. "Oh I'm sorry but this is my house not yours." I replied. "It's also my house dummie." Tommy said. "No shit Sherlock." I replied.
~Time skip~
Tommy ended the stream and Jessica left. Tyler stayed for another hour or so and Tubbo looked jealous the whole entire time. Tyler had to leave because he had a date with Katie. I went upstairs to my room and Tubbo followed me. "What do you want?" I asked. "I don't like how you've already moved on." Tubbo said. "Says you. You're dating the girl that you apparently didn't like and didn't cheat on me with." I said. "I-" Tubbo started but I interrupted him; "Tubbo I don't care what you have to say because we aren't friends or lovers anymore so just leave. I don't wanna talk to you for a long while yet." Tubbo looked as if he were about to cry. "I-Fine I'll leave." He said and left with tears streaming down his face. I felt horrible. I had just made my crush and ex bf cry. I knew it was wrong but this is how revenge works, right? Right?
I went onto my phone to message Tubbo but it said that he had blocked me I couldn't contact him in anyway.

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