Meet the others.

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Two days after when the last chapter was set. "Y/N SOME PEOPLE ARE HERE TO MEET YOU!" Tommy shouted. People? Who on earth is here to meet me? I came downstairs to see who it was that wanted to meet me. I saw 3 men and a women. "Hi my names Amsiey." The women said. "Hi I'm Dream." Said one of the men. "I'm Sapnap." Said another. "And I'm George." Said the last. "Alright, it's nice to meet all of you but why did you wanna meet me?" I asked. "Because we were gonna do a cooking stream and we were wondering if you wanted to join." Dream said. "Yeah I'll join." I said and then went to go back upstairs. "Oh no you don't missy." Tommy said. "What are you, my mom?" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "Damn she's sassy." George said. "Sure am." I said and went back to my room. ~Time skip~ "Y/N WE'RE STARTING THE STREAM!" Dream shouted. "COMING!" I shouted back and then came downstairs. Dream turned on the camera and began the stream. "Hi chat, today we're doing a cooking stream and we have Y/n with us." Dream said. "And today we're making apple pie." George added. "George grab the apples outa the fridge please." I said as I looked the recipe up online.
The recipe:

"Right, so we need some cinnamon, flour, sugar, salt, butter, apples and dough

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"Right, so we need some cinnamon, flour, sugar, salt, butter, apples and dough." Dream said. Me and George got the ingredients out and put them on the kitchen counter. "Let's do this in 2 teams." I said. They all agreed and teams were chosen. Dream and Wilbur were the leaders. On Wilbur's team was; me,Tubbo,Tommy and Amsiey. On Dream's team was; Sapnap,George,Ranboo. We all grabbed the right amount of ingredients and began to make an apple pie. ~time skip to after the pies have been made and baked~ "I bet we have the best pie." I said and with a smirk. Chat-Y/n is so confident that she's beaten Dream. Dream is defo a better cook. "Dream is not a better cook." I said. "Yeah I am." Dream said and chucked a bottle of water over me. "DREAM!" I shouted. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." I said and went to whack him but someone grabbed my arm. It was Tubbo. "Why?" I asked now sounding annoyed. "He was only joking around with you." Tubbo said. "Bish I'm literally soaked right now." I said and pulled my arm away from Tubbo. Chat-drama. This is getting juicy. "No drama today." I said and went upstairs to change. I got changed and came back downstairs. They were all still streaming but this time they were eating the pies and playing truth or dare.They hadn't spotted me yet. "Tubbo truth or dare." George asked Tubbo. "Truth." Tubbo replied. "Okay, do you have a crush on Y/n?" George asked. "Um yeah I do. But don't tell her." Tubbo said. I could either pretend that I've only just came in or I could tell them I heard the whole thing. Tell them I heard the whole damn thing. "No need to tell me I heard." I said and sat down next to Tubbo. "Ah fuck." Tubbo said. His face was as red as a tomato. "Awww Tubbo's blushing." I said teasingly. "Shut up." Tubbo said and pushed me gently. I tried not to laugh but failed. "I hate you." Tubbo said. "You love me really." I said with a smirk. "Sadly." Tubbo replied. Chat-Omg!!! We ship Tubbo and Y/n!! Y/n and Tubbo are made for each other. "The chat is correct." Dream said. "Oh shut up, you're in love with George." I said. "Liar." Dream said. "Whatever." I replied. "Right that's all from us guys, we'll be ending stream now. "Tommy said and ended the stream. "TUBBO YOU LIKE MY SISTER??" Tommy asked. "Dude, shut up." Tubbo said and whacked Tommy. I was laughing. I went back upstairs and everyone left except from Tubbo. Tubbo and Tommy were playing Minecraft in Tommy's room. I could hear them shouting. I walked into Tommy's room and said: "Can you two please shut the fuck up as I am trying to sleep." "Huh oh yeah sorry lov-I mean Y/n." Tubbo said. "Did you just nearly call me love?" I said. "No.." Tubbo said and then pushed me outa the room. I went back into my room and fell asleep.

Authors note: I'm losing motivation for this story and I'm running out of ideas so the next chapter will take a while to make.

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