New School Year.

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A week after the last chapter was based. "YN WAKE UP! GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" Tommy shouted. Urgh I forgot the 6 weeks holiday had ended and I had to go back to college. I got up and brushed my hair. "TOMMY GET MY BREAKFAST READY" I shouted "FINE" he replied I then got dressed then headed down for breakfast. "Here." Tommy said as he handed me my toast. "Thx dickhead." I said and ate my toast. While getting on the bus with my friends. "Hey guys" I said. Heyy how have u been?" Said my friends Tyler and Katie. I replied with "I'm good how about you two" "good thanks" they replied with. I sat down beside Tyler and looked outa the window. We were on the bus for about and hour or two before we reached the school. "Do we have to go to class?" I whined. "Yes we do dumbass." Tyler replied. We walked inside of school. "Omg your a twitch streamer." Said a girl. "Your friends with YouTubers." Said another. Great. Everyone at school knew that I was friends with some of the dsmp members. "Are you dating Tubbo?" Asked a boy. "CAN YOU ALL SHUT TF UP!" I screamed and ran to the bathroom. "Y/n come out. You can't hide in there forever." Katie said as she came into the bathroom. "Yes I can." I replied and then heard the bell go. Fuck. We had to get to class now. I came outa the bathroom stall. "C'mon let's go to class." Katie said and I then followed her to maths. "Everyone take your seats." The teacher said. We all sat down. Me,Katie and Tyler sat together at the back of class. So far nobody had said a thing about me and the dsmp. ~Time skip~ The lesson finished and we left the classroom. ~ring ring~ It was break time. Me.Katie and Tyler went outside to the playground. "How did you become friends with the dsmp members? Your just some annoying little bitch." Jessica said. Her and her friends laughed. "A bitch? Jeez bro what am I a mirror? I'm a good person to those who are kind." I said and walked past Jessica. "She's a bitch she is." Katie said. "I know." I replied. Me,Katie and Tyler talked for 15 minutes before the bell rang and we all went to our next class. Katie had Geography next, Tyler had Science and I had Art. "Omg that's the girl who's friends with YouTubers." Said a girl as I walked into class. I wanted to tell her to shut her fucking mouth but I couldn't since the teacher was in class. So I just sat down at the back. "Hey can I sit here?" Jake asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. He sat down. "Today I would like you all to draw the thing you love most." The teacher said. "Y/n's gonna draw Tubbo." Jessica said. "Shut up bitch." I replied. "Mrs Y/n we do not use that language in my class." The teacher said. "Nice to know." I replied and put my head on my desk. "Right that's it! Go to the head's office now." The teacher said. I wasn't in the mood to fight back so I left the class and went to the head's office. "Hey Mrs." I said as I walked into the office. "What did you do this time Y/n?" She asked me. "Well Jessica said something that annoyed me so I said shut up bitch to her and the art teacher told me off and I said nice to know and then I got sent here." I said. "Okay I will see you here after school for an hour." She said. I nodded my head and left. I went back to class. "Here comes the attention seeker." Jessica said as I came into class. I had had enough. I slapped her. Then she got on top of me and started punching me. I punched back. We were having a fight. The teacher came in and said: Girl this behaviour is not expectable in my class, go to the office now." Me and Jessica went to the head's office. "What now?" The headteacher asked with an annoyed tone. "Y/n punched me and called me a slur." Jessica said while fake crying. "What? I did not." I replied now pissed. "Y/n, I know you're a good student but I'm afraid I have to expel you." The headteacher said. "Expel me? For what?" I said. "You have had nothing but attitude today and you hurt Jessica both mentally and physically." She replied. "Fine!" I screamed and left. I walked home which took forever. "Tommy I'm home!" I shouted as I walked through the front door.

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