First Night.

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I arrived at Dream's house and went inside. "Hey Dream." I said as I walked in. "Hey, do you want me to help you or?" He asked. "Huh oh no it's fine I've got it." I replied. "Okay, follow me and I'll show you to your room." Dream said. I followed him upstairs.
Dream opened the bedroom door and I walked inside. This is what my room looked like:

 This is what my room looked like:

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"Nice room." I said. "I know right." Dream replied. "I'll let you get settled in, shout me if you need anything." Dream said before leaving the room. I unpacked my stuff and scrolled through TikTok after. "YN COME HERE!" I heard someone shout from downstairs. I came downstairs and asked why I was called: "Why did one of you call me down?" I asked. George handed me a plate and said: "Bc it's dinner time." "Oh well thx." I said and went to my room to eat.
~Time skip~
I was chilling in my room when George burst into my room. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Do you wanna play Minecraft with me for a bit?" George asked. "Umm yeah sure." I replied and then followed him to his room. I sat down beside him on the spear gaming chair he had. He turned on his camera and began streaming. Chat-what is Yn doing there? Are George and Yn dating now or smth? Is dnf over???? "I'm staying with Dream,sap and George for a little while and me and George are just friends." I replied to the chats comments. George and I played Minecraft for a few hours before ending stream and logging off. "Night George." I said and left his room and went back to mine. I fell asleep all lost instantly.

Authors note: I know that this chapter is boring.

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