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A few days later. I got a call from Jessica.I had no idea why she was calling me but I answered the phone anyway.
Y-Why did you call me for. I mean I'm pretty sure you hate me so I have no idea why you've called me.
J-I called you because I wanna know why you thought it was acceptable to date Tubbo when it's my job not yours.
Y-I'm dating him because I love him and he loves me.
J-whatever, I'm coming to your house and we will talk about this face to face.
She then hung up. Great😒. I grabbed my phone, house keys and car keys and went downstairs. "I'm going to the shop and I'll be back later." I told Tommy,Tubbo,Ranboo and Wilbur, who were all in the kitchen talking, and then left.
I arrived at the shops and grabbed a shopping cart.
In all truth, I didn't actually want to buy anything I just needed an excuse to leave the house.
I decided to get some self care products, some snacks and some art supplies.
What I got:

What I got:

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I got home and saw Jessica inside when I came back

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I got home and saw Jessica inside when I came back. "What's she doing here?" I asked. "She came to talk to you." Tommy said and then went upstairs to his room. "I will get Tubbo to be my boyfriend." Jessica said. "Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that?" I asked. "You'll see." Jessica said. "We can talk about this in a minute, I need to go and put my stuff in my room." I said and then went upstairs. I put my shopping on my bed and went back downstairs. I walked back into the kitchen and saw Jessica kissing Tubbo. I slapped both of 'em and ran upstairs to my room crying.
I started punching my wall and screaming into my pillow. "Y/n what's wrong?" Tommy asked as he came into my room. "TUBBO CHEATED ON ME WITH JESSICA!" I screamed and pushed Tommy outa my room. I locked my door and went back onto my bed and cried. Tubbo called my phone multiple times but I didn't answer. He then messaged me and I decided to reply.
Y/n I'm sorry I rlly am.

You fucking liar. You know how much I loved you and yet you still cheated on me.

Bby it's not like that I swear.

Don't call me bby. We're done.
   *You've blocked this user*
I curled up into a ball and cried for ages. I heard a knock on my door and opens it. It was Katie. "What do you want?" I asked still crying. "Tubbo called, he told me what happened." She said. "Oh so he told you that's he's a cheating scumbag?" I said. "No, he told me that Jessica kissed him and that he tried to pull away." She said. "Well that's a lie. I saw Jessica and him kissing and he was kissing back." I replied. "Y/n.... I'm so sorry for you." She said. "Don't be, can you leave. Please?" I said. "Yeah sure." She said and then left. I heard shouting from downstairs so I went down there to see what it was about. I saw Tommy and Tubbo arguing. Guess Tommy's pissed. "Guys stop arguing." I said. "LOOK AT HER FACE TOBY! HER FACE IS ALL RED FROM CRYING BC OF YOU!" Tommy shouted at Tubbo. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! JESSICA KISSED ME!" Tubbo shouted back. I decided to get involved bc like why not. "YOU KISSED BACK! I SAW YOU KISS HER BACK TUBBO!" I screamed at him. I then slapped him. Which I shouldn't of done because Tubbo then slapped me back hard. "Y-you." I couldn't get my words out bc I was so shocked. Instead of defending myself or fighting back I just cried. "How could you?" I said. "I didn't mean to y/n. I'm sorry." Tubbo said. "Liar." I said and then pushed him down onto the ground. I went back upstairs. I wish I didn't fall in love with a cheater...

Authors note: so basically Tubbo didn't actually kiss Jessica back it's just like what we thought we saw and and basically Jessica did this to get with Tubbo and to make Y/n jealous so just like a little disclaimer Tubbo did nothing wrong we just think he did later in the story they get back together like they just get back together just like a little later.

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