Two years later...

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Kinda forgot this story existed 😅.
Me and Niki were at an adoption centre because I wanted to be a mother but I had problems so I couldn't get pregnant. "Hello, are you Miss Simons?" The front desk lady asked. "That's me." "Okay well there's a few children in that room over there, they're just playing." Me and Niki walked into the room. "Omg look at that one!!! She has blue eyes and blond hair just like me!!!!" "So you gonna get her?" "Hmm maybe idk. Ima look at the other children first." I chatted with the children and got to know them a bit. "I want this one." I said pointing at the girl with black hair and blue eyes. "She's adorable. What's her name?" "My name's Morgan." She told Niki. "Aww hello Morgan." Nike spoke. "Nike stay here with her while I go talk to the receptionist." "Okay." I went to the receptionist. "Can I adopt Morgan?" "Ofc, sign these papers and she's all yours." I took the papers and signed  them. "Here ya go." I spoke as I handed the papers back to her. "She's all yours." She told me. I walked back into the room wear if left Niki and saw her on a call with someone. "We're at a adoption centre, come quickly before we leave." I heard her say before she hung up. "She's all mine!" I squealed. "Omg girl I'm so happy for you!!" "Morgan sweetie, I'm your new mommy. Is that okay?" "That's fine mom." My heart melted at her words. "Katie I have to go. Sorry." Niki said and then left. "Mom I'm 4." She told me. "Okay darling." I replied.

Time skip
I walked out've the adoption centre with Morgan and I ran into Tubbo. "Omg hey Tubs." I said. "Katie I need you to listen to me." "Okay?" "Can we please try again? Please?" "Yes, yes we can." Tubbo kissed me. "Mommy who's he and why's he kissing you?" Morgan asked as she tugged at my sleeve. "He's your daddy sweetheart." Morgan smiled and hugged Tubbo. "I love you daddy." This girl's gonna be the end of me I swear. The three of us went back to my place. "I'm gonna cook dinner guys." I told them. I cooked spaghetti Bolognese for the three of us. After we all ate I took Morgan upstairs to her room and got her into bed.

"She's asleep." I spoke as I came downstairs. "Yn, you do know I only ever dated Jessica to make you jealous right?" "It didn't make me jealous, it made me feel sorry for you to have her by your side all the time." I laughed and so did he. I was happy to have Tubbo back and to have a daughter.
"Did you and George ever date?" "Do I look like someone who wants to ruin Dnf?" "Totally." "Liar. I'm going to bed night Tubs." "I'm coming with you." "Fine." Tubbo and I walked upstairs to bed. I got changed while Tubbo was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. I got into bed and fell asleep.

"Mommy I-I had a nightmare." Morgan was crying. "Shh it's alright baby, c'mon here." I hugged her. "Do you want to sleep in mommy's bed?" "Y-yes please." She got into my bed and fell asleep hugging me. I fell asleep soon after.

I completely forgot this story existed. I'm only doing two more chapters after this one and then it'll be finished. I'm doing this bc I have another acc that I'm writing a different story on and I have another story I'm working on on this acc that I like more. Ik this chapter is a bit rushed, sorry abt that. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Soooo I no longer like Tubbo and I hate this story 😅 but I'll try to finish it.

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