Sneaking Out

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Continuing from where I left off last chapter. I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 12:00. Just hit midnight. I got dressed and checked if Tommy and Tubbo were awake. They were playing Minecraft on a twitch stream. I crept downstairs and left the house. I saw Jessica on the path as I walked past. "Well look who it is." Jessica said as she came towards me. "Oh piss off will ya." I said. "Oh c'mon we can have a little chat can't we?" She said. I wanted to punch her so badly but I didn't. "No we can't." I said and pushed past her. She grabbed my arm making me stay. "Let me rephrase that for you, you will have a chat with me." She said. "Fine." I replied. "But first lets go somewhere private." She said and dragged me away. We arrived at her house. "Okay we're here now, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked. "Well I like that Tubbo boy." She said. Her words made me jealous. "Okay, so?" I replied. "So, I want you to get me a date with him." She said. "In your fucking dreams." I replied. "Either you get me a date with him or I'll make you the laughingstock of the town and school." She replied. I felt worried. "I don't care, I'm not getting you a date with him and that's final." I replied and went to leave. She grabbed my arm. "You're not leaving until you agree to get me a date with Tubbo." She said. "And how are you gonna 'make' me stay?" I asked. "I'll tie you to a chair." She said and then grabbed my arm and threw me onto a chair and tied me to it. "The fuck are you doing?" I said angrily. "What I said I'd do." She replied with a smirk. This bitch. "So, you can either agree to get me a date with Tubbo or I can make your life a misery. You choose." She said. "Hmm lemme think, neither!" I replied. She slapped me. It made my skin sting and left a red mark. "I'll ask you again, either get me a date with Tubbo or I'll make your life a misery." She said. "Fine! I'll get you a date with Tubbo." I said, tears now streaming down my face. "Good answer." She replied and then untied me. I ran outa her house crying. I bumped into someone's chest. It was Tubbo. "Y/n! We've been looking for you!" He exclaimed. "Why did you sneak out?!" Tommy screamed at me. I ran past the both of them crying. I ran back to the house and locked myself in my room. ~knock knock~ "Y/n let me in." Tubbo said. "NO. Go away!" I screamed. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're crying." Tubbo said. I opened my bedroom door and let him in. "You have 5 minutes." I said. "Why were you crying and what happened?" Tubbo asked. "Basically, I snuck out so I could go for a walk and blow off some steam and I saw Jessica on the path. She dragged me to her house and said that I had to get her a date with you or she'd make my life a misery. I said no and she tied me to a chair and slapped me. When I finally agreed she let me go and I ran into you and Tommy. You both just screamed at me so I ran home crying." I said. "Y/n..." Tubbo said and then hugged me tightly. We hugged for what seemed like forever. Eventually he let go of me and left my room. I decided to message Tyler and Katie on Snapchat.

Hey guys,what are y'all up to rn?

I was playing fifa on my PS4.

I was watching TikTok.

Cool, can u tell y'all smth?

Yh sure.

Yh, what's up?

So basically Jessica wants me to get her a date with Tubbo .I said no and she slapped me and I ran home crying.


But don't u like Tubbo?

Yes I do!! That's why I won't get her a date with Tubbo.

Depressing lol, I gtg I'm going out for dinner with my family and Tyler's family. Btw Ty we'll be at urs in 5 so be ready.


Lucky ass bitches. Ima go cya.

I was exhausted at this point so I laid down and fell asleep all most instantly.

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