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Continuing from where I left off in the last chapter. "Y/n? What're you doing home so early, it's only 11:35 school doesn't finish for another 3 hours or so." Tommy said as he came downstairs. "Yeah....about that, I got expelled." I said. "YOU WHAT?" Tommy asked with a pissed off tone. "I got expelled from school." I mumbled. "What did you do!?" Tommy asked. He sounded mad and annoyed. "I got into a fight with Jessica." I replied. "Your grounded." Tommy said. "You can't ground me!" I replied. "Well I just did." Tommy said. "I hate you!" I screamed and then ran to my room. I locked my door. I put on my headphones and played some music. I listened to music for hours. It was now dark out. Jesus I'd been listening to music for hours. "Y/N COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" Tommy shouted. I didn't want to talk to him since he'd grounded me. "Y/N DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOU AGAIN!" Tommy shouted. I came downstairs. "Sit down at the table." Tommy said as he handed me my dinner. "Are you serious?" I complained. "Yes I am. Now sit." Tommy replied. I sat at the table and ate my food. "Hey Tommy." Tubbo said as he came through the front door. "What's wrong with her." Tubbo asked. "She got expelled and is now grounded." Tommy said. "Tommy do me a favour and shut the fuck up will ya." I said. "That language is the reason you've been expelled." Tommy said. "Oh shut up for once in your annoying life!" I screamed and went back upstairs to my room. ~knock knock~ "Go away." I said but was ignored. Tubbo walked into my room. "Y/n listen, I understand that you're upset but you can't be mad at your brother when you did get yourself expelled." Tubbo said. "I didn't do anything. That hitch Jessica said that I called her a slur when I never did and she wouldn't stop saying that I had a crush on you when I don't!" I screamed. I buried my head into my knees and cried. I felt Tubbo wrap his arms around me. "Hey, calm down it's okay." He said and hugged me tighter. I had butterflies in my stomach at the feel of his touch. "Umm it's okay, you can let go of me now." I said since I was nervous. He didn't let go of me which made me more nervous. Eventually he let go of me and left my room. I just decided to go to sleep since I was tired.

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