Asking Him Out.

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Continuing from where I left of last chapter. I woke up around 13:15. God I'd been sleeping for ages. I went downstairs to grab something to eat. "Afternoon sleepyhead." Tubbo said as he ruffled my hair. "Morning, bitch." I replied and grabbed some leftover salad from yesterday. I sat down at the table and ate it. "Hey sis, I'm sorry about yesterday." Tommy said and then hugged me. "It's fine, I forgive you dummie." I said. "Good." He replied. I went upstairs and turned on my camera to stream. "Hi chat, so I've decided to do something both stupid and great." I said to the chat. Chat-Omg what is it??? Telllll. "So I'm gonna ask Tubbo to be my boyfriend and ima bring the camera with me." I said. Chat-omg yess!!! Finally! Took you long enough! I grabbed my camera and went into Tommy's room where him and Tubbo were streaming. "Hey boys, I got smth I need to ask Tubbo." I said as I came into the room. "What is it?" Tubbo asked. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. Tubbo's face went bright red. Tubbo's chat- omg!! Say yes!!! Took her long enough to ask! SAY YEA OR ELSE 🔪 "I um well I mean." Tubbo said. He was a blabbering mess. "Aww look at that, someone's flustered." I said with a smirk. He stood up and pinned me to the wall. "I uh hehe um." I said. "Now look who's the blabbering mess." Tubbo said with a smirk. Tubbo's chat- omg! Did he just? They are dating like fr fr. "No we are not dat-" before I could say anything else he kissed me. Tubbo's chat- dhdjdgdjdgksbd. THEY'RE DATING PROVE ME WRONG! So cute ☺️. "Yk there could be little kids watching this stream and they've just seen you two kiss." Tommy said. "Seriously? Did you have to ruin our moment?" Tubbo said. "Yep." Tommy replied. "Well I'm um gonna go now cya." I said and left the room. Chat-Omg Tubbo just kissed you!! So are you and Tubbo a thing now or? "I don't know if me and Tubbo are dating yet or not because he never exactly said yea, he just pinned me to a wall and kissed me." I replied. I then played Minecraft for a few hours. "Right, it's getting late so ima end stream here guys." I said and then ended my stream.

Authors note: I hope y'all are enjoying the story. I'm running outa ideas for the story so if you have any ideas pls let me know.

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