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The Night We Met - Lord Huron


Seeing Kallie the other night stirred something in me I haven't felt for so long. She looked a completely different person. She looked healthy and young. Free and Sexy. I stood watching her for a while before she saw me. She was laughing and giggling with these girls I've never seen before. But she looked so happy. That's the girl I fell for. She hasn't been that girl lately. I'm not surprised she let me have her so easily though. She's never been able to tell me no and even though she text me the day after regretting it. I know it's what she wanted really. She always does. She's crazy for me just as much as I am for her. I've still been seeing Lexi on and off but she's getting pissy with me because she wants to be my girlfriend but I can't let that happen until I know Kallie is one hundred percent done with me.

I know I shouldn't have told her I loved her because that always changes girls the minute they hear it. They turn clingy and possessive. I can't stand it. Being single doesn't bother me as long as I've got a regular girl to spend my nights with. Being alone with my thoughts has never been for me. I need distractions because my mind is a dark place most of the time.

I haven't spoken to Kallie since the day after I buried myself deep inside her and I'm starting to get annoyed. She's different this time. I don't know how to get her back. I've tried to remind her about the sexual part which clearly didn't work. I've cried which again didn't work. Maybe it's time to really make her think I'm losing my mind with out her, but how do I do that? I haven't been to work all week. I don't need the money. My savings are in good shape and I can't be bothered with the constant shit they are giving me for being arrested at work for domestic violence. Some of the lads found it funny. Others are being dickheads to me about it. I know what I do to Kallie is wrong but they don't get it. She winds me up. She knows what to say to get me so pissed I can't see straight and then I can't control it.

My mum made me go to the doctors about it in my teens. I was unbearable for her. Always trashing the house. Always mad. She couldn't handle me at all but the doctor was useless. Wanted me to go to therapy. No fucking way am I going to sit in an office with a no it all who was probably raised in the perfect place with perfect parents, fuck that.

I decide I'm going to have to do something drastic to get her to listen to me and come home and I know what to do. I drive to the nearest bridge on the outside of town and park my car underneath it. I walk to the top and give my girl the call I know she wont be able to ignore.But she does. She completely ignores my several phone calls. I send her a text of a picture with nothing but the bridge in view and within seconds she's calling me back.

"Don't even try to talk me out of it Kallie. I have nothing now. You left me like you promised you wouldn't. I'm alone." I dramatically say into my phone.

"Liam. Please don't do this. Where are you? I'll come" She frantically says. Bingo! I can't help but grin at my success. She'll be home tonight. I know she will. I tell her where I am and she insists on staying on the phone while she gets a cab to me. Whilst I wait for her to come she questions me.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks.

"Because I can't be without you Kal. Tell me you're coming home otherwise I will jump. Tell me now Kallie" I practically beg her. She stays quiet for too long and it boils my blood. I can hear her whispering to somebody else and then I hear sirens in the distance but they wont be for me. She wouldn't dare do that.

"Kallie?" I repeat.

"I'm so sorry" She's crying when she answers me, like really crying. Like snot dripping from her nose, heaving and sobbing crying.

"What have you done?" I scream into the phone. Before she gets chance to reply the police car followed by an ambulance speeds up onto the bridge and halts in front of me. Fuck! How could she do this to me. I'll get fucking sectioned or something. That stupid bitch.

"How could you do this to me? After everything I've done for you. I looked after you for the last two fucking years! I slaved away at work so you could sit at home! I fucked you're disgusting fucking body for you! You stupid bitch. I'm going to jump! You've fucked me over! I hope you fucking die! And you better hope I never get my hands on you because next time...I'll fucking kill you bitch!" I'm screaming into my phone as loud as I can.

"Hey! step away from the bridge son, we can work through this" A bold officer slowly approaches me and I start to panic. I don't really want to jump but I don't want to get in trouble for wasting police time either.

"Fuck off!" I shout back and climb the wall. I'm not going to jump but I can't just give in as they will know I was lying. I sit on the wall facing away from them. I bring my phone back to my ear. I can hear her crying on the other end of the phone, Good. Before I can say anything else, I'm dragged from the wall and land hard on the concrete. The bold guy falls to the floor behind me. I stumble and get to my feet."If you do not come down and leave this bridge I will section you under the Mental Health Act 1983, do you understand sir?" He also gets to his feet and speaks into his radio, some code. I assume to let them know I'm off the wall. I dropped my phone in the fall and find it face down on the floor. When I check to see if she is still there, she isn't.

Good. Because I can't say anything else because the officer is in front of me. I tell him I'm fine. I was just down and that I'm going home to bed. He tells me that if I go up there again he will just section me straight away. I can't believe this didn't work. I've lost her. I think I've really lost her this time.

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