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It Takes A Man - Chris Young

Mrs Riley

We have just spent the last couple of hours with Kallie, Scott and baby Gabriella. She is so precious, a real cutie. Kallie is a natural with her, so loving and knows exactly what Gabriella needs the second she cries. Scott to, he has surprised me more over the last year than his whole life. The way he looks after Kallie and really cares for her. I know we raised a good man but he is even better than I could have hoped for. I hope he doesn't get hurt in all of this. When It's time to go Scott walks us to our car and before leaving I wrap my arms around him. He hugs me tightly and I know then that he is not okay.

"What is wrong son?" I ask as I pull away from the hug. Peter notices us and rolls down the car window.

"She is leaving Ma. She is leaving and taking Gabby with her. I just wanted to be there, to look after them both. Why am I not enough?" He is quietly crying by the time he gets his words out and he turns to face away from me embarrassed. Peter gets out of the car and places his hands on Scott's shoulders, forcing him to look at him.

"Scotty. You are a brilliant man. You are going to make somebody very happy one day. Do you hear me? If Kallie doesn't see that then it is her loss Son. And as for that baby. She would be very damn lucky to have a man like you looking out for her but you cannot force yourself into this situation. This is exactly what I tried to warn you about the other week! She is not ready. She needs to heal and if you keep trying right now while she isn't ready to receive it then you are only going to break your own heart" Scott is nodding along to what Peter is saying but I know it is hurting him to hear it.

"Honey, give her this time...Let her go and be with Gabby for a bit and hopefully she comes back and knows what she wants but if she doesn't you have got to let her go...What is meant for you will not leave you" He crouches in front of us with his head in his hands and it kills me to see him so upset.

"I love her...I'm in love with her. The thought of not knowing if she is okay for the next month worries me. What if she goes back to him pops? Gabby will be in danger and I can't have that!" Peter takes a deep breath and then holds out a hand to bring Scott back up to his level.

"If she goes back to him then you cannot stop her. All you can do then is make the social aware that she is putting the baby in danger...And I know, that is harsh but sometimes that is the only way" Peter leans against our car. Scott seems to have pulled himself back together for now.

"Have faith that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Everything will be okay...Give her some credit. If she was going to go back she would have by now" I give him another hug "You will be okay son. Things always get better" I give him a kiss on his cheek. 

Moments later I watch as he walks back into the hospital and I quietly prey that Kallie can open her heart to him because it will be the best thing she will ever do. My boy will take care of her and little Gabriella to the best of his ability.

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