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You've Got A Way - Shania Twain

I see the shock in his eyes at my revelation. He removes his cap from his head and ruffles his hair which I notice has grown quite a bit. His mucky white T-shirt parts with his faded jeans as his arm is lifted and I get a glimpse of the toned stomach I've been dreaming of kissing.

It may have taken me too long to confess my feelings to him but now I have I want to confess more. I want to jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. I just needed time to heal. I gave myself that time.

"Please say something" I almost beg and take a step towards him.

"I have nothing to say to you anymore" He turns back to Walter. Stroking his nose, avoiding my eye contact. In that moment I decide to just go for it. What have I got to lose? I walk over to where he is standing and reaching my palms up to his face bringing him down to my lips. At first he hesitates but then he gives in and kisses me back. It's passionate and hungry. It's raw and full of emotion. His fingers snake into my hair and hold me in place, against his lips. My hands grab fist fulls of his T-shirt. I don't want his body to lose contact with mine for even a second.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He whispers against my lips.

"Because I love you" I kiss him again and then kiss my way along his strong jaw. It's hard to reach because he is so tall and he notices me struggle. He lifts me into his arms. My legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Say that again" His head rolls back as I continue my kisses onto his neck.

"I love you Scott" I softly bite the skin on his neck and he groans.

"I need to put Walter back" He kisses my lips once more before lowering me to the ground. He begins to walk away and at first I'm unsure what to do, until he turns and asks "Are you coming or staying right there?" He chuckles to himself and I walk after him.

"We need to talk Kallie" He looks concerned all over again and it makes me feel sad that this once open and honest man is so guarded now.

"I know" We slowly walk back to the stables and once there he takes Walter out onto his field before coming back to me. He then puts fresh hay in the stable. I sit on a bale of it watching his muscles contort as he works. When he's finally finished he sits next to me."Why did you leave like that?" He suddenly asks.

"I needed time. I needed to feel all of the emotions I'd hidden. It had been a hell of a year and I hadn't really dealt with any of it...It wasn't you. That's the most important thing you need to know. I didn't leave because of you. I thought about you every single day Scott" I slightly turn to face him. He doesn't look at me though.

"Do you still love him?" This time he does look at me. He's taking in everything now as I answer.

"I think a part of me always will. But it's different now. I'm not going back, ever...That part of my life is over. I have to protect Gabby. She is the most important thing in this world to me. I would never put her in danger and what you said at the hospital that day...You were right. I wasn't thinking straight calling him like that" He puts his head back and closes his eyes. He asks me all about Gabby and I tell him how well she is doing. He asks where she is and I tell him she's back at the house with Alison.

"I was so worried about you. Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" He turns fully on the hay bale to face me, his intense eyes staring into mine. I take another shot at being brave and stand in front of him. He looks confused as I take off my coat and place it next to him. I climb onto his lap, straddling him, his hands immediately find my waist.

"You do not have to worry about me okay? I'm fine. Gabby is fine...I really just needed to heal without anybody else around me" I lean in and kiss his lips just once.

"So what now?" He asks. He slides his hands under the back of my Kodaline gig T-shirt, his fingers stroking the bottom of my back.

"Now. You get all of me...If you want it. If you don't that's fine to but I really hope you do because..." He cuts me off mid babble and kisses me again passionately, I press my body against his.

"I've always wanted you" He stands still holding onto me, turns with me in his arms and lays me down on the hay. I bring him down with me not wanting our bodies to part for a single second.We kiss like this for what seems like hours until we come up for air. His hands have caressed every inch of my body, through my clothes. He finally pulls away and stands, straightening his clothes back off. I can visibly see how tight his jeans are in the crotch area.

"We need to get back before somebody comes looking" He says holding out a hand to help me up. We walk back up the dirt track to the house. His arm around my shoulder the whole time. Every so often he would stop and kiss me again. I feel completely breathless, he still takes my breath away like he always did.

When we walk into the house Alison is sitting holding Gabby in the living room. She's awake cooing lightly. As I approach she offers Gabby to me and I take her, give her a kiss and turn back to see Scott standing in the doorway watching us. I walk over to him and hand Gabby into his arms. Alison excuses herself and Scott walks into the living room, never taking his eyes off my little girl. He sits just staring at her for a long time and I don't interrupt until she starts to get fussy and I hand him a bottle to feed her, which of course he does like he's done it so many times before. I knew he would be a natural with her.

It's around five in the afternoon when Alison comes back in to check on us.

"I have been thinking, You two should go catch up...I'll watch her for a couple of hours" Worry instantly sets in. I've never left Gabby with anyone.

"Oh I don't know. I should get her home to bed" I stand and go to get Gabby's things but then I notice Scott's disappointment. "Are you sure Alison?" I ask and she says yes and takes Gabby from Scott. I fuss over her in Alison's arms until she practically begs me to leave.

Scott decides he's taking me to a special spot. We drive for a while up the hills surrounding the town and when we finally get to the spot, my eyes go wide. You can see everything below. The whole town, lit up like a Christmas tree.

"WOW, that's pretty amazing" I say as he stands behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I lean my head back onto his chest, just taking in the view.

"I have some blankets in the bed of the truck. We could lay and watch the stars" He walks back to his truck and drops the tailgate. He places a blanket over the top of it and makes pillows out of some bags, he lowers his hand and pulls me up to him.

We lay and talk for hours watching the sunset and the stars appear. It's so calm up here. Watching the town below which looks tiny. He points out several constellations and tells me the stories behind them. Who knew he was so knowledgeable about Astronomy. I've text Alison so many times about Gabby until she stopped replying and so I try to quiet my mind and just enjoy this moment with Scott.

I start to shiver as the temperature drops and he notices, pulling me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest. I lift his top a little and trace my fingers along the line of his jeans. I notice his breathing get faster and so I trace my fingers further up his stomach. He sits up and pulls his top over his head and lays back down. He lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me, his tongue dancing around mine. His hand glides down my back and lands on my ass. He pulls me on top of him and I sit up, my legs either side of him. I'm sitting directly on top of his crotch and I can feel his arousal pressing against me.

"I want to make love to you" He says as he lifts my top over my head, leaving my chest on full display. I'm glad I chose a decent bra today.

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