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Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift

I didn't expect my morning with Scott to go that way but I couldn't stop. I really wanted to have sex with him but I just cant, not yet.

I dress in a pair of Denim Dungarees, with a white and dark blue striped t-shirt underneath. I can only just fasten the buckles. I'm fed up of pregnancy now. I feel like a whale. I drive to a local restaurant in town and park outside. I see my mother climbing out of her fancy car not far from me. I take a few deep breaths and head outside but I'm stunned when I see my mum isn't alone, walking towards me with her, is my sister Grace.

"WOW! You're huge!" Grace loudly says as she approaches. I feel my cheeks start to burn with anger and embarrassment.

"Grace! Lets go inside shall we? So we can all sit and chat properly." My mum gives her a warning glare and ushers us inside.We all head to the back of the restaurant where my mum has booked a booth for us to sit in. The waiter brings menus and offers to get us a drink before we look at food. My mum orders water for us all.

"So how have things been Kal?" My mum asks trying to lighten the mood. She offers a smile and I relax a little. Grace sits on her phone, acting like she isn't listening even though I'm sure she is.

"Same as before" I mumble, distracting myself with the menu.

"You haven't got long left now. Do you have everything for the baby?" The waiter brings our water and places it on the table.I tell her that I do have everything I think but nothing is built as I haven't got the right tools and she offers to send Tim round to which I rudely reply no thanks, she huffs at this and starts sifting through the menu.

"So lets get to the truth shall we? How long before you move back in with that monster?" She lowers her glass of water too quickly to the table and makes a loud bang. Everyone turns to look and my mum bats her with a menu, again warning her to behave.

"Well considering he's in jail for the next seven years, not any time soon" To this both of their eyes widen."You didn't tell me you pressed charges?" My mum raises her eyebrows at me. I see a look of what could be relief only for a brief second.

"I didn't...Someone else did, anyway I don't want to talk about it" Before I can finish Grace has pulled the news article up on her phone and is reading it out loud to my mum. They both lean over her phone and I feel my cheeks blush in anger for the second time in an hour.We order food and whilst I try and force it down I'm bombarded with questions. What am I calling the baby? Whose last name will she have? What hospital am I having her at? Are you going to take her to see Liam? Why haven't you brought tools to put the furniture up? It's constant and it's tiring. By the time we have all finished our lunches I feel like I could nap for a year.

"So is now the right time to say I told you so?" Grace is glaring at me and if I wasn't pregnant I would fly over this table and slap her hard across the face but who am I kidding? She's right, she was always right.

"Go ahead" She looks shocked that for once I am not defending him. It doesn't stop her going on about it for the next half an hour though until I finally snap at her.

"I get it Grace! Jesus Christ do you not think I get it by now? I lost two years of my life to him. He messed me up more than mum and her dickhead husband. He fucked me over in the worst possible way...I'll never forget that, do you understand? It's different now. I would never put my daughter in that position and I'm done explaining to you. I don't owe you a fucking explanation for my life or my choices...Just know that I learnt my lesson!" I stand before she can speak from her open wide mouth and rush outside to my car. I see them power walking up to my car but instead of waiting for the explosion I rush out of there and drive away.

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