Before We Start

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Hey everyone, it's Lee! Welcome back to another book of mine! This is actually going to be my first complete book (not a oneshot book) and I'm super excited. Before getting into it I just wanted to say a few things:

1: Thank you so much for the love my Umbrella Academy Oneshot book is getting and has gotten!

2: If you remember my Oneshot story "The Crows" but forgot some details don't even worry about it because I will be covering it here after the Prologue.

3: As always, this book will contain spoilers!

4: This story uses a gender-neutral reader.

5: Viktor will be called Viktor and never Vanya.

6: YOU MUST HAVE SEEN UMBRELLA ACADEMY FOR THIS BOOK TO MAKE SENSE- I will be skipping over most of season 1 and 2 meaning things may come up in this book that won't make sense unless you have seen the show.

7: Events in this book may not exactly follow the show.

8: Finally, I'm not sure when I will be updating this, but I am determined to finish it!

I hope everyone enjoys and feel free to comment to let me know how you're liking the story.

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The Crows- Fei Hargreeves x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now