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A/N: Remember, feel free to comment! Let's get right into it!

Reader POV 2nd Person:

     Your earliest memories are filled with nothing but the Umbrella Academy, this doesn't make them good memories though. Your siblings and father could never seem to stand you, which you've never understood. Since you can remember you've been treated like an outcast from everyone besides Klaus and Ben but since Ben died Klaus had slowly started hanging out with you less and less. This makes being with the Umbrella Academy unbearable at times because even if you weren't not locked away like Viktor or sent to the moon like Luther, the hatred is very much present. Unsure of what you ever did leaves you with nothing to do to fix it. Is it because of your powers? Is it because you tend to get along with Klaus? Is it because you sing in the shower sometimes? You just don't know... 

You are number 8 meaning you're the weakest, which you're reminded of everyday. With the gift to control the weather it can be somewhat unpredictable making some issues pop up- one being the occasional lightning strike to yourself. Luckily no lasting damage has been done... well lucky for you, your family would probably celebrate if something were to happen to you. They believe your gift to be useless, your father of course is the strongest believer. Another problem with your gift is that your emotions can sometimes affect it. Thankfully it's only very powerful emotions that trigger your powers. When you're angry you summon a thunderstorm, when you're happy- a soft breeze, when you're annoyed- a drizzle, when you're sad- a hailstorm, and when you're embarrassed- a rainbow appears above your head. Severe embarrassment is your least favorite drawback from your gift, the rainbow only making your embarrassment worse. Sometimes you dread having to feel emotions due your powers projecting them, but it rarely happens anymore after you've spent your entire life trying to control it. 

Being number 8 does have some perks though such as not being used in every mission. You have no qualms fighting considering you've been trained for years but not having to wake up and dread the day because of a mission feels pretty good. When Ben was alive you and him would hang back at the Academy most mission days. Those days were always your favorites, a plus being that it would annoy Klaus to no end. He would always claim that you guys were "leaving him out of bestie hang outs." You miss those days... 

You've been stuck in 1963 for a few years now- building your own life away from your terrible family. You figured you may as well do what you've always wanted to do and became an artist. You managed to make it pretty big. Sadly, this led Five right to you. He explained that he needed to find the rest of your family and get them out of there before another apocalypse occurs. Though he didn't fail to mention how you'd never be able to help him, hence the need of your other siblings. At least he came to find you and decided against leaving you stranded in 1963. The two of you eventually find the scattered siblings and after a battle for the ages against the commission, the Handler, and Lila, you all jump through time again.

Little did you know that your life would change for the better after that jump...

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Sorry this one is kind of short, I promise they won't all be like this. This chapter is mainly just setting up some plot points. 

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Until next time... 

The Crows- Fei Hargreeves x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now