Chapter 2- One Of Us

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A/N: Welcome back! I hope you're excited for the first chapter you've yet to see before :D ENJOY!!

Last Time: "Alright Fei has convinced me to ask you this, how would you feel about joining the sparrows?"

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

You don't know how to respond other than staring with a dropped jaw. Saying yes means betraying your family but what have they ever done for you... are they really even your family? You must have looked like a fool, but you didn't know what else to do. You see Fei looking at you with a somewhat hidden hopeful expression which makes your answer a little easier. "I'd be happy to." The man who asked- speaks while giving you a small smile "great that means introductions are in order." The man goes on "my name's Marcus and I'm number 1." You see the Ben lookalike roll his eyes at this, but your focus goes back to the man you know now to be Marcus once he talks again. "Number 2 is Ben but you already knew that didn't you?" You frown, unsure of how you're meant to respond to that. "Actually, I'm curious about this too" Fei speaks up. You look at her before directing your gaze to the floor "Ben was number 6 but more importantly he was my best friend... He died on a mission one day and I never even got to say goodbye." You can feel yourself starting to get emotional, but you're determined to hold it together. You feel a hand on your shoulder, surprisingly Ben was the one to attempt comforting you. "Listen I'm not that guy but I'm sorry for your loss" is all he says before removing his hand and backing up.

Marcus speaks up "I apologize for making you talk about that." "It's okay I understand your curiosity" you give him a shaky smile. He returns the sentiment before continuing with his introductions. "The girl with the crazy glasses is Fei, which you also seemed to know already." Fei gives you a knowing smile which only serves to make you blush. "Alphonso over there is number 4, he's usually with Jayme whose our number 7." The man you assume to be Alphonso waves at you while Jayme ignores your existence entirely. "Number 5 is Sloane." A pretty girl whose been staying near the back steps forward and gives you her hand to shake. You grasp it and give it a small shake. Sloane smiles before stepping back from the group once more. "Finally, number 8 is Christopher. Don't let his appearance scare you, he's very friendly." Marcus finishes his statement by gesturing towards a blue floating cube who you assume to be Christopher. Taking Marcus' word for it you smile at Christopher and mumble out "hello, my names Y/N". Christopher lets out a few noises and spins around which only serves to confuse you. "That means he likes you" Fei says. You feel relief knowing that those noises weren't of anger, or annoyance.

"Now as great as this has been we need to figure out what to do against the self-called Umbrella Academy." Marcus looks directly at you while saying this. You shrink under his gaze wondering where the friendly guy who was just introducing you to everyone went. Marcus continues before you can get a word out. "Let's disband for now and discuss tomorrow." There are mumbles of agreeance before the Sparrows disappear into the larger-than-life mansion. Fei however remains with you. "Come on let's get you settled." You stand to follow her without question. She leads you through the mansion in silence, the only sounds being her crows wings flapping. Eventually the two of you stop in front of a door. "This is where you'll be staying" she pushes the door open revealing a well-furnished room. You step inside and turn to look at Fei "thank you." "It's no problem." "No, not just for the room. Thank you for convincing Ben and Marcus into letting me stay." She looks momentarily surprised before responding "it was nothing." Fei keeps her face neutral as she continues "my room is right next door if you have any questions about anything." She hesitates for a moment before turning heel and closing the door behind her.

You take a deep breath and take in the room surrounding you. The room seems to be pretty basic, even with all the furniture. You desperately want something to fill in the blanks and what better than art. 'But where do I find a sketchpad and pencils?' You decide against annoying Fei again, so you choose to wander the halls and pick a random door to knock on. Leaving your room, you see a series of doors lining the walls. You walk past Fei's door to the one next to it. You stand there for a moment 'anyone but Jayme please...' You take the plunge and knock.

All is silent until the door creaks open revealing Ben. He looks annoyed at being interrupted from whatever it is that he was doing. However, he does look caught off guard by seeing you on the other side of his door. "Can I help you?" His question breaks you from your thoughts. "Yes, you wouldn't happen to have a sketchpad and some pencils, would you?" He stares at you before slamming the door closed. Your eyes go wide 'I knew he was mean, but I didn't think he was that mean' is all you can think in that moment. You're about to retreat back to your room when the door in front of you opens once again. Ben is standing there holding out a sketchpad and a few pencils for you to take. You can't help but smile "thank you so much!" He just rolls his eyes and mutters something before shoving the items into your hands and closing the door. You back away and return to your room with a smile on your face.

Marcus POV. 1st Person:

After inviting Y/N to stay with us and disbanding the team meeting I make my way outside to work out in front of my adoring fans. The fangirls are there as expected but someone else catches my eye. One of the members from the Umbrella Academy. 'I wonder if they want Y/N back... well I don't think they'd go back anyways.' I make my way towards them and continue to follow all the way to a nearby coffee shop. He's already waiting for me at a table. "Listen up I'm gonna keep this short and sweet; we need a briefcase you have inside your home, and you need me not to humiliate you and your little family." Their tone is condescending, and I can't help but scoff "what could you do?" The lights around us start to flicker "what I did when we fought earlier is only a small percentage of what I can REALLY do." I decide then and there that I'm making this deal, even if I don't have the briefcase he seems to be looking for. "Deal."


I make it back to Sparrow Academy and Grace greets me at the door. "Welcome home Marcus, would you mind following me for a moment?" I figure the robot just wants me to try something she cooked up, so I follow. We pass the kitchen which only piques my interest more "Grace where are we going?" She ignores me. "Grace?" She leads me down the basement stairs, I can feel myself starting to get annoyed. "Grace what the hell are you-" A red glowing blob is floating in front of me. "Go towards my God..." Grace speaks from besides me. I feel hypnotized the longer I stare. Without my knowledge my body makes its way towards the red mass and before I know it the world goes black.

A/N: Oh yeah Ben friendship is beginning!!! Even if the romance aspect goes to Fei I still really love found family ;)

In the meantime please check out my other books or check out my Tik Tok

Thank you!

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